Thursday, March 28, 2019

Easy Strategies to Create Happiness in Your Life

Easy Strategies to Create Happiness in Your Life

MOST OF US know intellectually that happiness really comes come from within - not without. Our acquisitive culture has made us only too aware of the transient nature of short-term, external fixes. Like a Chinese meal, we're all too often left hungry after feasting at the table of consumerism! Hungry for more, yet not knowing where to turn to satiate us, we use food, sex, work, drugs and so many other distractions to self-medicate and numb the gnawing pain. It's a right palaver, this happiness shtick!

Certainly, no one else has the power to make us happy - not in a long-term, ongoing way. People come and people go. If we rely on another human being for our happiness, we really are sailing up the Swanee. And what a massive and unrealistic responsibility to place upon another person. Not to mention totally unrealistic. Nope, we have to get the happiness pill all by ourselves ... And yes, it does take a little work. But oh, is it worth it!

The secret?
Change your thoughts. Nothing outside of you has the power to make you intrinsically happy. You can choose happiness, or you can choose to dwell on people and situations that bring you down. Ditto gratitude. When life takes you down, have a look around and acknowledge all the truly wonderful things you have to be thankful for. Roll around and luxuriate on the grass you're on now. It's not always greener the other side!

Indeed the old Bard hit it on the head when he wrote: 'There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.'

Copyright: Gina Baksa

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