Thursday, March 28, 2019

Best Soaps to Use When Washing Your Car

Best Soaps to Use When Washing Your Car

People usually think that they can use any soap they want to wash their car. This is not true. In fact, some types of soap will actually damage your car. For example, if you use dish soap to wash your car, the paint on your car will begin to peel off. If you continue to use this soap, it will only get worse and worse. If you want to preserve the paint on your car and give it a new, shiny look, here are some of the best soaps to use.

Pinnacle Bodywork Shampoo

If you want to treat your car like you treat your own hair, then this is the soap to use. It is specifically designed to give your car the perfect wash without leaving any scratches or soap marks. It targets dirt, sand, and gritty substances, leaving your car with a nice clean look. It also has a new foaming substance called Tuff Suds II that was washed away even the clingiest dirt. If you have a protective wax on the surface of your car, this soap will retain the wax while still washing away the unwanted dirt.

Simple Green Car Wash

This car wash soap is so great because it is biodegradable and safe for the environment. It is also non-toxic and non-abrasive. It is inspired by Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner and has been reformed to account for the needs of a car. This soap comes in the form of a concentrate that you mix with water. It then turns into a foamy substance that removes all dirt and grime from your car. It is also safe to use on waxed cars and will not leave streaks or swirls. This product can be used on a variety of vehicles, including cars, trucks, RV's, SUV's, trailers, and even motor homes.

Homemade Car Wash Soap

If you want to save money, you can actually make your own soap for your car right at home. You can use substances that you probably already have in your house and create one of the best car soaps. There are a few different substances you can use. A vegetable-based soap added to a few gallons of water will allow for a shiny clean that will help keep dirt and bugs away. If you are looking for an even deeper clean, add about a half cup of Borax to the mix and scrub away! The use of a pressure hose will work even better.

When washing your car, you should use a soap product that is safe for its surface and will help prevent more dirt from clinging in unwanted locations. If you do not know if a certain type of soap is safe for your car, do not use it. All of these products are safe to use and will give your car the maximum clean and shine.

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