Saturday, January 12, 2019

Small Business Web Hosting Services - 5 Features Every Business Web Hosting Service Should Provide

Small Business Web Hosting Services - 5 Features Every Business Web Hosting Service Should Provide

Countless of web hosting companies offering business web hosting plans and services for any imaginable web project. But irrespective of what you have in mind with your business website, make sure that your web host provider offers this 5 essential features. Otherwise your online business will fail miserably before it has begun.

Feature 1: Daily Server Backups

Good web host providers back up their servers on a daily basis. That ensures that your web files are protected in case of a sudden server crash. This must not cost extra charges as it normally is included in the hosting plan charge. So, avoid web host providers that perform back-ups of your web files for extra cost.

Feature 2: At Least 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Web host companies make a lot of claims to persuade you to sign up for their hosting plans. In order that you're not buying a pig in a poke you have to watch out for a Money-Back-Guarantee for at least 30 days. That's enough time to put their hosting plan to the acid test and if you have minimal doubt that they are not standing by their promises you know what to do and get your money back.

Feature 3: Uptime Guarantee Of Your Website

Good web host providers are based on a reliable high quality server infrastructure. That means they only use quality hard- and software and employ trained server administrators to keep their network well maintained. If that's the case they are able to offer a 99% uptime-guarantee and that's what you have to keep an eye out for.

Feature 4: 24/7 Technical Support

24/7 technical support is a MUST of any good web host provider. If it's just a claim you'll see if you really need qualified support someday. So make sure before choosing a web host provider that they stand by their promises. If not it could be a pretty tough task to maintain your business website.

Feature 5: Free Account And Script Setup

A good web host provider will assist you in every step you're making and that, of course, means that you can expect free and easy account and script setup. Many web hosting plans support a wide range of script installing features so that the installation of web projects like Wordpress, OS commerce, Joomla, phpBB2 etc. will be a breeze. And good web host companies maintain this service without any extra charge.

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