Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Computer Keyboards Cause Pain

Computer Keyboards Cause Pain

Do you suffer with hand or elbow pain? Do you know you are not alone? There are literally thousands of people in the same boat.

I started typing on an old manual typewriter in high school many years ago. I was in typing class and I remember completing the exercises of the key placement and stretches. The numbers and symbols were harder because you had to reach.

When years later I was working in a doctor's office my wrist started to ache. I made my first orthopedic doctor's visit regarding hand pain. I was then given a cortisone injection and the problem resolved itself for years.

Now keying on a computer day in and day out for years my hand pain had returned with a vengeance.

After several hand surgeries on both hands I consider my hands "delicate".

Many years ago my sister in law a hand therapist told me to fold a towel and place it under my keyboard.

I tried that but I found that it did not give me the cushioning I needed when touching the keyboard. I finally found a pad that worked. I cut it from a larger pad that was used for something completely different.

It worked!

I noticed the difference in my hand pain immediately. I could key on a computer for hours longer and the pain was never as severe as it was in the past.

I use an ergonomic keyboard at home and it makes a huge difference when typing for hours.

The only other option that doctor's love to tell you is to wear a hand splint. If you have ever worn a hand splint you know that I was not a happy camper.

Now I do not wear hand splints and my hand pain is severely reduced.

I know there are thousands of men, women, and children who are suffering from hand and elbow pain from continuing keying on their computer keyboards.

My suggestion is to try a pad under your keyboard. What can it hurt?

Remember keying on a keyboard is like hitting a brick wall with your hands.

Thank you for reading my article. Please check out my other articles. I would love to hear from you.

Copyright 2006 Linda Meckler

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