Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Painting - Some Technical Aspects

Painting - Some Technical Aspects

Painters must be aware of all the intricacies of painting but for the novices, we bring a snapshot of certain technical aspects of painting which will help them out in developing this art.

This reflects to the medium used in paintings. It is the color type which is applied on the canvas. The choice of media depends on the solubility, viscosity and miscibility of the fabric or base used. Some examples of painting media include oil paints, pastel paints, spray colors, water colors, enamel paint and wax paint.

Styles of painting vary from person to person. It depends upon the comfort and interest of the painter. It may also include the use of brushes and paints. In fact, every painter is famous for a particular style of art. Some common forms of painting styles are:
Western: folk, graffiti, body painting, abstract figurative, Oriental and primitive.
Eastern: ink and wash, Persian miniature, madhubani, samikshavad and mughal.

Modern forms

Paints are a thing of past. Now, almost every and everything is used in painting. Be it paper pieces, sand, dust, cement, wood or any other material, they are widely being used in giving texture and extra look to the paintings.

Digitization has also welcomed various software in the market like Adobe Photo shop, corel draw, image maker and many other which can insert any design, shade or style which you can ever imagine of.
Recent time applications

Gone are the days when painting was done on canvas through brush and paints, exhibited, sold and over. Now it finds its applications in a host of other fields also. The basics and studies of painting are being used in interior designing for decorating houses. Painting provides an insight onto various color combination s and contrasts which enables interior designers to make heaven out of homes.

Another application of painting is in fashion designing where designers create aesthetic and graceful dresses of beautiful color combination s. Here also, the fundamentals of painting come handy in deciding which color or shade suits best on a particular complexion and figure.

A final word
Painting is a universe in itself and you will get more engrossed in it if you will delve deep into it. There are treasures to be found in this area but it requires patience and long years of hard and sincere work. It can be chosen both as hobby and as a profession. The difference lies in the commitment and pursuit.

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