Sunday, March 24, 2019

Money Attraction - How to Attract Money in Your Life

Money Attraction - How to Attract Money in Your Life

Some people attract more more money than other people. Why is this so? The primary cause for this is in the way we think.

You are what you think you are. Usually, you have an estimate of how much money you can realistically expect to earn. You always wish to live more prosperously but do not really believe that it will ever happen. You might even believe that it is literally wrong to be wealthy.

This way of thinking is linked to the reality that you have accepted life with false limits. These false limitations prevent you from having and enjoying many things in life, especially the ability to attract large sums of money. This sort of thinking will never allow you to attract money in your life. It leads to a condition of financial deficiency. This condition appears so real that you are rarely aware of the limitations you have accepted and how these limits have shaped your life.

The only way to attract money in your life is to release these false limiting beliefs and substituting with positive empowering beliefs regarding money. When you alter the inner attributes of your mind towards prosperity, you will begin to attract money automatically.

So how can you free yourself from negative and limiting beliefs about money?

Firstly, you must become aware of the negativity you are consciously and subconsciously going through. Recognize how this negativity has been influencing you. Negative thinking results in unhappiness, worry, anxiety, fears, depression, illness and poverty.

Once you are well aware of the negatives, you then got neutralize these negatives and replace them with positive thoughts, images and feelings. This can be done with positive affirmations such as 'I choose to be rich', 'Money is my friend', 'Every day my wealth is multiplying'. As you say them, allow yourself to experience the positive emotions of elation, confidence, satisfaction, power, energy or enthusiasm.

As a result of these positive feelings, your behavior will be influenced and moved into action. This change in behavior will acquire more positive energy with positive visualization. This positive visualization is done by creating a positive mental image about attracting money. And then visualizing yourself experiencing the joy and excitment of attracting money in your life. It becomes better if you give yourself some positive feedback such as an immediate good result. Be your own friend and give yourself positive support.

As this positive behavior continues, you'll start to develop new positive beliefs toward wealth. For this to happen, it is critical that the behavioral change last long enough for the positive belief to become established. This then will give you the positive energies to attract money.

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