Saturday, March 30, 2019

How to Earn Bitcoin Online

How to Earn Bitcoin Online

If you want to earn Bitcoin online, this is a post that will help you do just that. Bitcoin is the world's first peer to peer crypto-currency that is not controlled by any central issuing agency but is rather an open source protocol that is followed by all the people who participate in the economy. No one can manipulate the supply of Bitcoins and all transactions that take place in this economy are cryptographically verified through a process called Bitcoin mining. Your Bitcoins are as secure as public key cryptography can be.

Once you understand and appreciate the concept of Bitcoin, the next logical question is, how do you earn some Bitcoin? Here are some ideas -

Make money online and convert them to Bitcoin

Believe it or not, it is still much easier to make US Dollars! You can then exchange these dollars you make for Bitcoin at any of the exchanges such as Bitstamp or Coinbase if you're located in the US.

Earn Bitcoin Directly in the Bitcoin economy

There is a small but very vibrant community where you can do most tasks, but at a much smaller scale. For instance, you can take up a part-time job for Bitcoin on Coinality or you can end up with a small gig on Coingig. These are real life equivalents of sites like Elance and Fiverr but in the Bitcoin ecosystem.


The advertising industry in the Bitcoin economy is, not surprisingly, pretty robust. This is because there are tons of new Bitcoin based services that keep coming up all the time and they all need a good advertising network.

CoinURL allows you to place Google AdSense styled ads on your website and other services like Bitads lets advertisers bid for banner space on your blog. There is also a-ads that allows you to make money through ad impressions without reference to the clicks (so it is not PPC). If you're a publisher - blogger or webmaster, you can earn some Bitcoins through this route.

Going Social

There are sites that will pay you for your activity. CoinChat is sometimes the best known site in this category. It pays users a few milli-Bitcoins for chatting on their site. These are random and controlled by an algorithm that takes into account your activity and how well you're contributing to the discussions at hand.

Another way in which a lot of Bitcoin enthusiasts earn some Bitcoin is by selling their forum signatures at Bitcointalk forums. There are a good number of advertisers who are willing to do this, and for the socially active member who values ​​interaction through this forum (it is the same forum through which Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin to the world), selling signatures can be lucrative.

What other ways are there to earn some Bitcoin online?

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