Thursday, March 14, 2019

Fix Your Eyeglasses With Household Items

Fix Your Eyeglasses With Household Items

Sometimes when you buy new glasses or if you order glasses online, the frames are not the proper shape. Over time, your glasses may become warped or a screw may come loose. It's a hassle to march into your eye doctor's office every time something slips, bends, or becomes misaligned. No one really wants to spend that kind of time to have someone potentially fix your frames unless you really need it! Beside, what if you've been holding off on getting new glasses? Then you have to deal with the pressure of an optician telling you it's time for an exam only to be told you can wear the same prescription. While some issues, like breakage, warrant an immediate trip to the eye doctor, others do not. Here is a short guide on how to do simple fixes from home with household items.

First and foremost, if your glasses break in any way, shape, or form - go to the eye doctor's office to get them fixed. Your eyeglasses are of no use to you if you can not see properly out of them. This includes any scratches or nicks that come across your lenses.

For normal cleaning, you do not need expensive sprays. In fact, you should not be using chemicals at all on your lenses! That means no expensive window cleaners, no sprays that state they clean your lenses, TV, and computer screen, and no all purposes cleansers! What can you use? Vinegar and water! Nothing more, nothing less. For a quick clean, mix three parts water to one part vinegar in a spray bottle. Gently mix the two, and then lightly spray your glasses. Using a microfiber cloth, wipe off any smudges, dust particles, and grime. It's just that easy.

What about your frames? Even the most expensive set of eyeglasses frames can have a few issues. One such issue lies in loose screws. If your temples feel a little loose, just take a small flat-head or diamond-head screwdriver and gently tighten the screw while the glasses are in an open position. Once you try closing the stems, you'll start to feel the hinge tighten. If the screw is too tight, it may cause the stem to break, so loosen it just a smidge. If you notice the screw becoming loose again, repeat the process but place a dab of clear nail polish on the screw before tightening. The polish will act as a glue without damaging your frames.

What if your frames feel out of shape as a whole? Metal frames are easier to bend and shape into place than plastic frames. If the frames are slightly misaligned, run the frame under warm water and gently bend back into place. If your frames are bent dramatically out of place, ask your optician to fix them. You can also adjust the temples using the same method with hot water but be careful! If you straighten the temples too much, you will risk breaking them if they fall off your face.

There you have it! Three easy household fixes for some common prescription eyeglass problems! Remember, some problems require immediate attention, while others are easily fixed at home. Worse comes to worse, you can always replace your frames and buy glasses online for less than the doctor may charge you for broken frames.

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