Saturday, February 23, 2019

Why Writing Copy for Your Own Business Can Backfire

Why Writing Copy for Your Own Business Can Backfire

Copywriting is essential for all business. While copywriting alone will not determine your success, the lack of that can certainly spell your early demise. The problem for most is that while copywriting is a phrase most business professionals have heard, not all really know what it means. So, let us first define copywriting. I went to the font of all knowledge on the internet, known by its layman name of Wikipedia, and saw that the definition of copywriting is "written content conveyed through online or print materials. This type of written material is often to persuade a person or a group as well as to raise brand awareness. "

Now that we know what copywriting is, we can list several of the ways that it is used in business. We have information appearing on websites, sales brochures, career opportunity announcements, press releases, scripts for videos, statements by high level employees, and white papers that are sent to inform others in the same industry about changes and innovations. All of these things are available services that a copywriter may offer.

But why should not the CEO write these things. Surely he or she knows a great deal about the industry and could write fantastic material about it, right? Well, not really. First off, knowledge of a subject does not automatically grant you the ability to convey that knowledge to others. Just because you understand a topic perfectly does not mean you can help others to do the same. But, even if our imagination CEO can talk about the subject or even write about it, they still should avoid using their time to do the copywriting. You see, copywriting is a time-consuming process. You need to create a basic structure of what you are going to write which can change depending on the type of medium you are writing on. Also, you need to have your work checked by another set of eyes. Many time a mistake will only be done by having someone else look it over. So, after taking the time to have all of this done, and doing a final rewrite, you will finally have a piece that can be released to the public to generate whatever reaction you were going for. That is simply too much time for the most skilled and knowledgeable people at a company to spend on something that is quite easy to find a pro to do for you.

The most important reason a CEO or other high level employee should avoid writing their own company's copy is that they are simply too important to do so. In order for a company to be truly successful, they must make sure that every employee is doing what they excel at. The marketers must be marketing, the product creators must be creating, etc. A CEO's job is to run a whole company. Whether that is a few employees, or a few thousand, they must take on the responsibility and focus on that alone to ensure the greatest level of success. Beside, successful executives know the power of assigning tasks, so why not assign this one to someone who is more suited to the task at hand than you are?

Big corporations have money to burn and can easily pay for top end copwriters to write everything for them. But, what about the small business owner? There are still great, affordable options out there on freelance sites where you can find the type of writer you need, and can do it on a budget. Do not be afraid to try them out. The small investment you make now may end up paying huge dividends in the future. Not only by having your copy written by a professional, but by being able to spend your time doing things that are grow your business the most. When done right, everyone wins in the end.

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