Friday, February 15, 2019

Christmas Gifts For Dog Lovers

Christmas Gifts For Dog Lovers

Nearly 50% of people are dog lovers. And people who love dogs, LOVE dog gifts.

Selecting a Christmas present for a dog owner is actually a pretty nifty trick when you think about it. Dog lovers are all united by their love of their pet and by getting their dog a Christmas gift by-proxy shows them that you have really put some thought in to them, personally and have not just lumbered them with a cookie cutter generic gift that all your other friends got one of.

Here's our guide to selecting Christmas gifts that dog lovers will enjoy:

1) Go cheap and cheerful but do not expect miracles.

If you're going to buy a novelty toy for a dog lover, make it funny - getting a dog toy or treat that is cheap and tacky only works if the toy has a real laugh factor - otherwise it really is just, literally, a cheap and tacky gift!

2) Put some thought in to it - but be careful!

If you get a dog training product make sure you do not send the wrong message - ie 'your dog needs training!' - most dog lovers enjoy developing their pet's learning skills, but this can be done with interactive toys, treat aids and informative books rather than things such as remote dog training collars or other more 'serious' dog training equipment.

3) Food can backfire

At Christmas many pets eat too much, very much like many dog ​​owners. Getting food, especially food the dog is not used to (including dog trees) can backfire if it upsets the dog's tummy. Or, worse, your dog food / pet treat Christmas gift could be perfectly fine but the dog might eat something else on the day which upsets their stomach, only to see YOUR gift get the blame.

4) Want to splash the cash?

Luxury pet Christmas gifts are really catching on. Things such as luxury pet beds, designer collars, trendy leads are very popular. If you have a special friend or close family, getting something like this is 100% guaranteed to put an unusually big smile on their face.

5) Do not overspend on pet Christmas gifts .

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