Friday, February 1, 2019

10 Things You Need To Know About Carpet Cleaning

10 Things You Need To Know About Carpet Cleaning

If you do not know your wet vacuums from your dry vacuums, then the thought of carpet cleaning can be a little bit overwhelming. However here are 10 of the most important things you need to know about carpet cleaning.

1. Prevention is better than cure
Keep your carpet as clean as possible by taking steps to prevent major dirt and stain hazards. For example, ban shoes in the house, do not let your children eat foods away from the table and stop your pets from going in carpeted rooms.

2. Vacuum regularly
Maintaining a regular light cleaning schedule will reduce the frequency with which you must carry out heavy cleaning.

3. Always pick up crumbs quickly
Pick up any crumbs that you drop as quickly as possible, either with your hands or using a dry vacuum cleaner. This will prevent them from being trodden into the carpet which can make them much harder to remove.

4. Treat stains quickly

The sooner you attempt to treat a stain, the more likely that you are to manage to get it out of your carpet. The way that you treat the stain will depend on what has been spilled. If you leave the stain for too long, it may set and be very hard to remove.

5. Always read the label
If you have not had training in carpet cleaning, always read the label before you do any cleaning. What works on one carpet may not work on another, and using the wrong product may end up doing more harm than good.

6. Dry quickly
If your carpet gets wet, take up any excess moisture immediately and take steps to help the carpet to dry as quickly as possible, because water can cause tide marks and unpleasant smells.

7. Constant Vigilance
Be aware of changes in your carpet, as they could signal problems coming from underneath.

8. Beware of mold
If you have to lift your carpet, beware of the potential that toxic mold may be growing underneath. Whenever you are going to do this, it is safest to ventilate the room as much as possible and wear a face mask to reduce the risk of inhalation.

9. Personal Protective Equipment
If you do decide to use chemical cleaning products to clean your carpet, you should always wear the correct personal protective equipment to help to keep you safe.

10. Call in the professionals
If you are struggling with carpet cleaning, you should call in the professionals, as they will be able to help you out.

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