Sunday, January 13, 2019

Innovation in the Spray Coating Industry - Polyurea Spray Coating for Any Foam Project

Innovation in the Spray Coating Industry - Polyurea Spray Coating for Any Foam Project

Polyurea spray coating is a new development of recent years. This coating provides a plastic-like appearance and feeling when sprayed on any type of foam. The coating is hard yet durable, providing a strong shell to any foam cut project, and protecting it from break damage or weather corrosions.

This coating can be applied to any foam project, including signs, letters, logos,props and crown moldings. The polyurea coating combines high flexibility and durability with high hardness, and iit s a fast drying type of coating. It can be cured even at very low temperatures due to its chemical properties, and there is no need to use a catalyst. After being coated, the foam can be sanded to a smooth or textured finish, according to the customer's needs. It can also be painted with any type of paint, including water-base such as latex, or oil-based paint, as well as automotive paint. This coating dries in minutes, providing a tough chemical and abrasion resistant coating, free of blisters. Since the polyurea dries very fast, it requires an efficient mixing and spraying techniques, preferably using a sprayer gun.

There are other types of coatings that can be sprayed or brushed on foam, including adhesive glue, aqua resin, epoxy coating, fiberglass, vinyl and polystyrene. However, the polyurea is about 100 times stronger. Using polyurea will not just make any foam project breakage resistant; it will also save any company from having to buy an expensive coating machine that costs tens of thousands of dollars.

This material is non-toxic and is completely safe for use. Any type of foam can be sprayed, including rigid foam and soft polyurethane foam. When spraying it, both a smooth and a textured finish can be applied. In addition, it has many advantages, some of them include high curing speed (even at low temperatures), water resistance, protection from conditions of humidity, heat, cold and sun, extreme abrasion resistance, resistance to thermal shock, chemical resistance, little or no odor, good adhesion to the material it is sprayed on and unlimited application thickness.

Due to the polyurea unique physical and chemical properties, especially being hard and able to serve as isolation, there are many industries that have recently made a large use for it. Some of them include the concrete industry, flooring, roofing, bedliners, tunnels, pipelines, bridge coating, tank coating and lining, marine, decorative and architectural designs and others. The polyurea is so much more than just a coating. It is also a lining and a sealant with endless applications.

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