Saturday, January 5, 2019

How to Win an Aquarius Man Back - Reliable Tips to Get Your Man Back

How to Win an Aquarius Man Back - Reliable Tips to Get Your Man Back

You've lost your Aquarius man. It's come as an enormous emotional blow to you. You loved him and imagined a future filled with wonderfully, fulfilling moments with him. Although many people will tell you that the best thing you can do is to pick yourself up and move on, that may not be possible. Loving someone as much as you love him is rare and if you aren't ready to walk away from him forever, don't. You can win back an Aquarius man. The key to doing so is to know how to appeal to his heart and his mind.

In order to win back an Aquarius man you have to put reinvent yourself. This doesn't mean that you should completely change who you are just to get him to love you again. You don't want to ever lose your sense of self to a man. However, you do need to think back to what he loved most about you when the two of you were happy and together. Focus on bringing those qualities to the forefront again so when he sees you he's reminded of the woman he fell for.

You already know that men born under this sign tend to be very fickle when it comes to love and romance. They can change their mind about who they love in an instant. That's why break ups with guys like this are often very sudden and feel as though they come out of the blue. Trying to appeal to his heart by sending him gifts or love letters just won't work. You have to reach deeper than that and push very specific psychological triggers within him.

Trying to convince him to take you back is futile. Talking to him about it will fall on deaf ears. What you need to do is establish a new relationship with him. Take the romance out of the equation for now. Tell him that you know that the two of you would make great friends. If he waffles on this idea because he's fearful that you'll want more, reassure him that you aren't looking to be his girlfriend again right now. Then work on establishing a fun and carefree friendship with him.

When you want to win back an Aquarius man it's vitally important to not pressure him into anything he doesn't want. Men like this respond to pressure by bolting and cutting off contact for good. You don't want that. So work on the friendship and show him that you two can be close while both of you are still enjoying your freedom. Once the new bond is in place, the flood gates of emotions will open again and he'll find himself falling for you just like he did before.

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