Saturday, January 5, 2019

How to Quit Masterbating - 5 Tips to Stop the Madness

How to Quit Masterbating - 5 Tips to Stop the Madness

Learning how to quit masterbating is something that can plague you mentally if you've tried to quit and failed many times. I know how you are feeling. Millions of people across the world have become frustrated because they have wanted to know how to quit masterbating and haven't been able to. If this is you, there is hope! By studying this article you can shift your awareness and change your life!

Feeling like you just can't seem to learn how to quit masterbating affects your self esteem and can trigger emotional feelings of great guilt and fear, all while driving time away from dreams. These types of effects tend to be standard with any addiction but are often increased with addictions such as masturbation and pornography use. Below are several tips that will get you on the right track to recovery.

#1. Stop the guess work. Study what works

Plain and simple. Random changes and guess work aren't enough. This is a serious need of the body that needs to be released. It takes more than hoping you'll be stronger next time. Try a proven system or at least some type of professional, thought out method that has worked for others. This is how people find success learning how to quit masterbating.

#2 Have a physical outlet in heated moments!

The need to masterbate is a physical one. It is not mentally geared. This means that using mental strategies alone to deal with it is not enough. You must use physical ones to fight the emotional and physical drive. Get out some testosterone. Find some type of activity where you can sweat it out in the heat of the moment by playing a sport, lifting weights, going on an active hike or something that will steer your physical sexual drive and channel it into a different physical outlet. This is a great key in learning how to quit masterbating.

#3. Focus on avoiding pornography as a primary step.

For most people wanting to quit masterbating, porn is a huge factor they need to address first. This can be compared to making sure their is no gasoline near a fire if you don't want the fire to grow. After this is done, you can address the fire much better. Whether it's internet pornography, T.V, movies, strip clubs, or mental images imagines you hold in your mind, these must be handled before you can learn how to quit masterbating.

#4 make your goal the dream state!

You must release the semen in one way or another. Understand that the people who have learned to gain control of masturbation or even completely stop masterbating still release semen. The body naturally produces an excess of this. Most individuals natural release method happens in the dream state. You need a goal to aim towards. Make it your dream state. Avoiding a behavior is not enough to stay goal oriented. You need a line to mark your success!

#5 Join teams of recovery and invest in knowledge!

There are some absolutely amazing programs out there that can give you the life edge in porn addiction recovery, masturbation recovery and life empowerment in general! Tons of people connect with these programs created by professors and experts and find an edge they didn't know existed.

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