Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Happiness: The Goal

Happiness: The Goal

Money can buy happiness in a sense, but only for a limited time! Let me explain. You see, money must be combined with the consciousness that knows how to use the money to benefit the person with the money. Money or anything else, just possessed for its own sake does not work, and even creates sadness by not being used productively. Indeed, real winning comes from using things right and being genuinely productive in every way that honestly counts.

When I think of happiness and productivity, there is a shocker: I think of Ebenezer Scrooge, before and after the ghosts visited him in Charles Dickens story "A Christmas Carol". Sure, we can all hoard up wealth, but if we do not absolutely enjoy it or use it productively, what is it worth really? Nothing. This is why I always like to say that we must come to the realization that wealth for the sake of "just having wealth" is not wealth. Using it productively, realistically and with expansion qualities is close to genuine wealth, but still not quite there. Being of genuine service and enjoying what you do honestly in every way and creating a great living at it is there. That is where genuine wealth and happiness is. Sure, you can argue that "Are not lottery wins without work except buying a ticket real wealth, too?" I would say, unless they are product used right, they are not wealth. It is also rare that those lottery winners know what to do genially with a lot of money also. In fact, that is another case of wealth for the sake of wealth without consciousness in the cases where people end up poorer than before because they do not know what to do.

I am not against wealth, but, I am all for happiness and productivity combined with wealth.

Sure, I could say the standard, "get all you can" type article. Here, though, I want to get into the deer aspects of wealth and happiness that actually work to make better lives and existences. Ebenezer Scrooge got his wake up call and this could be yours if you let it be. So, I will say that this is "get all you can and use it right as you can and must" article. That is what I mean. After all, in my humble opinion and my reality, genuine wealth is combined with happiness and productivity or it is the most abject and objective of poverty.

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