Friday, January 18, 2019

Digital Images Taken On A Portable Xray System Can Be Viewed Most Effectively Using A Dicom Viewer

Digital Images Taken On A Portable Xray System Can Be Viewed Most Effectively Using A Dicom Viewer

Portable x-ray units make it possible for doctors and veterinarians to take their practices on the road when needed. Some offices are completely portable, and go to their patients wherever they are, while others have both a home office and mobile services. If you are considering a portable xray system, it is good to know that you can get the final results by viewing the digital images you take in the field with a professional Dicom viewer.

A viewer consists of hardware and software designed for viewing digital medical images to the best effect. Many times a viewer is used in conjunction with a medical-grade digital-graphics monitor for the best display. The monitors currently available are sized to suit the types of digital x-rays that you normally take, and include those wide enough for single-screen viewing of full chest x-rays and other types of digital images. Physicians turn to a medical viewer to ensure that they have the best resolution possible from each diagnostic tool that they use in their practice.

When you use your portable x-ray setup, you have a couple of different options for viewing. Some imaging machines allow you to view the image directly on the unit. Others can be connected to a laptop computer with the appropriate software, so that you can view the images on your laptop.

Another way to view the images is to print copies when you have a printer attached to your mobile imaging system. Or, if your laptop is connected to a PACS system as well as a wireless internet connection, you can send your digital images taken in the field back to your home office for further study and storage.

When a physician or veterinarian is equipped with diagnostic tools that are mobile, a whole new level of patient care is possible. There are some patients who are unable to visit you at your home office. These can include those in nursing homes, convalescent centers, as well as people on cruise ships or even athletes playing sports in stadiums. Veterinarians often have to travel to their patients in order to provide routine health care, and a mobile x-ray system can help to provide you with the diagnostic information you need for accuracy in diagnoses.

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