Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Numerology Magic Square Talismans as Money Charms

Numerology Magic Square Talismans as Money Charms

Magic Squares make a potent talisman or charm for enhancing certain talents and abilities of their bearer. Numerology provides us with a powerful way to construct a personal money charm just for you. Let's see how this can be done.

Date of Birth as a Sigil

In numerology and astrology, your Date of birth is a defining signature element for you. Your entire reading in both disciplines is built around this number. So, if I wish to construct a magic talisman using numbers and associate it's power with you, using your date of birth in the charm is a natural way to build this association.

There are other means, such as using your name or signature in the talisman, but since I'm using numbers to construct the charm anyway, your date of birth makes a perfect sigil to represent you.

Yantra Magic Squares

Yantra magic squares are magic squares built using your date of birth, and your Life Path number as the top row of the square. They are powerful good luck charms for the person they are constructed for. But, they don't necessarily attract wealth and riches to the person.

Eight - The Money Number

In numerology as well as other physic disciplines, eight is associated with money and riches. To specifically attract more money to a person, I can construct a magic square talisman where the rows and columns sum to a number which reduces to (8) using fadic addition. The numbers: 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, 98, and 107 all have this properity.

So, in order to create my talisman, I start with someone's Yantra magic square, and then change the last box in the top row from their Life Path number, to a number which produces a square where the rows sum to (8).

Let's look at an example to see my meaning.

Johnny Depp's Money Talisman

Actor Johnny Depp was born on June 9th, 1963; so his Life Path number would be (7) as shown below.

Life Path = (06 + 09 + 1963) = (1978) = (1 + 9 + 7 + 8) = (25) = (7)

The first row of his Yantra Magic square we be his Month, Day, Year (less century) and his Life Path number, and would look like this:

( 6 )( 9 )( 63 )( 7 )

The row totals (85) which reduces to (4) by fadic addition. If I substitute a (2) in the last box on the row for his Life Path number of (7), then the resulting row will sum to (80) which will reduce to and (8) using fadic addition.

Making the substitution, and then calculating the rest of the Magic square by formula, I get the following:

( 6 )( 9 )( 63 )( 2 )

( 61 )( 4 )( 4 )( 11 )

( 3 )( 64 )( 8 )( 5 )

( 10 )( 3 )( 5 )( 62 )


So with a little work, I can create a (4 x 4) Yantra magic square focused on a particular person, and targeted to draw money and financial success to them.

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