Sunday, December 16, 2018

Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles

Are we ready for "Electric Vehicles and lithium ion batteries" Tired of swiping your debit card or even worse your credit card into the machine to pump fuel? Tired of dishing out your hard earned cash to the oil companies.

Ever thought that there has to be a better way?

The future will bring about change. Is America ready for a change? The answer as it stands right now is "maybe?" The reality is that we are slowly moving toward better and efficient vehicles. Grashing new driving concepts like the "Hybrid Vehicles", or cleaning burning diesel engines. These new concepts are beginning to be accepted and are more common place as we see them driving on our streets and highways. As we move into the next decade will consumers start to entertain further thoughts of what new found technology will bring? Will they look into electric vehicles that may require a totally different concept?

The reality is not really. Consumers will not be ready to jump into something radically new. We have all seen those "futuristic vehicles" that look like they are ready to fly us away to distance galaxies. However we are not ready to run right out and by one or place our families into something like that. What we are ready for is making the jump into something that looks and feels normal. We all want to adapt to a lighter environmental impact on fuel emissions and want better fuel economy. However breaking in new technology requires sizable funding for research and development and proper advertisement.

There are many advantages of owning an electric vehicle over a combustion engine.

Electricity is far cheaper then fuel. Projections state that you will pay @ $ 1.00 in electricity to every $ 4.00 in gasoline.

The second factor is that you wont create any pollution no more harmful emissions.

You wont have to maintain the engine as you would a combustion engine.

No need for oil changes, or emission checks.

Convenience of being able to refuel at home.

One final point is that you will never have to go to a gas station again.

An electric vehicle or "EV" is powered by an electric motor instead of a combustion engine. The EV, gets its power from a controller, which regulates the amount of power. The more you press on the accelerator the more power comes from the controller.

The electric vehicle uses power stored in its rechargeable batteries. The batteries are charged by ordinary electricity. New advancement in batteries such as the "lithium ion batteries give the need efficiency and last the longest." Projections are now given that some of these newer vehicles mayable to run run as far as 125 miles or better.

There are many automobile makers now that are developing the new "EV's"

Telsa motors has developed a car named the "Telsa Roadster" the manufacturer states that this vehicle can do 0 - 60 mph in 3.7 seconds. Very impressive !!!!

General Motors is due to bring out the new "Volt" sometime in 2010.

Mitsubishi is due to bring out its new "i-MiEV" release will be in Japan.

Subaru will release the new "Stella" EV sometime in late 2009 or early 2010.

Ford Motor company is coming out with several new models.

China has plans to sell "plug-in-electric-cars" in the United States Market as early as next year. The vehicle will be called the "EV" named "E6" will be a five passenger car that can be fully charged in seven to ten hours when plugged into a 110 volt plug.

There website also says that there will be four different types of motors available. With an upgrade of utilizing two electric motors for more power and better accelerations.

Investors and governments will have to evaluate and consider carefully all the new and alternative types of fuels.

New forms of info structures will have to be developed. New ways to approach driving. Will we be prepared to drive a vehicle around for a day then park it in the garage and recharge it overnight? Most people drive there vehicles back and forth to work with an occasional errand after work. In reality they may drive less then 50 miles, so the concept of an electric vehicle will work. Traveling further distances or cross country will require sweeping changes as will need to design new and proper ways for refueling.

Lastly the twenty first century will be remembered as a turning point in the new era of different types of vehicles.

As battery technologies improves proportionality with advances of different composites we will soon be seeing more useful and electrifying electric vehicles are you ready for it?

Keep "Thinking Green" my friends.

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