Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Auto Glass Installation - Do's and Do Nots

Auto Glass Installation - Do's and Do Nots

The glass in your auto is made of material that is very damage resistant, which is one of the reasons it is used as a windshield and door windows. If you have to have your auto glass replaced or repaired, there are some things that you should do and should not do.

Things you should do

• Avoid slamming the doors-most cars and other vehicles have an airtight system. If you have just had any of the glass placed be sure that when the windows are rolled up that you avoid slamming the doors. If you do slam the doors, it could create excessive air pressure against the newly installed glass. This can impair the seal of the glass, which could shift the glass from its actual position. It could also cause a leakage from the glass. If either of these two happens, you will have to take your car back to the shop to have the problem fixed. They will generally have to replace the glass

• Change the wipers as needed-these mechanical devices operate against the auto windshield when it rains or snows. Overtime, they become worn out and could cause vexing scratches or damage your windshield. When this happens the windshield glass starts to wear out and may have to be replaced. Check your windshield wipers often and replace them every few months or as soon as they start to look worn.

Things you should not do

• Wash your car-after having new auto glass installed, you need to wait forty-eight hours before you wash your car. This includes washing it by hand and using a car wash. If you do not wait, it can damage the window seal that was glued to the car during the new windshield replacement.

• Driving the car too soon-after having he auto glass replaced you should wait at least sixty minutes or longer before you drive the car. When doing windshield installation, the auto glass service technician uses materials like adhesives and special glass. They need time to settle down with the temperature and humidity of the environment.

• Tape on the auto glass-when the windshield or any auto glass is installed, they usually use a special tape to secure the moldings, especially on the windshield. You should not remove this tape until twenty-four hours later. If it is removed too soon the support the glass needs is lost. The tape usually does not hinder your ability to see out of the windshield so it is safe to drive with the tape on.

If you have any questions ask the technician and they will be glad to answer your questions. Most will tell you what you should and should not do after auto glass installation

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