Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Why CodeIgniter? Its Unmatched Benefits in Web Development

Why CodeIgniter? Its Unmatched Benefits in Web Development

With countless open-source frameworks for PHP web development prevailing, if there's one platform that helps both web owners and developers together is CodeIgniter. Now, what makes it so is here to unveil through this post. However, the principle aspects about CodeIgniter known by most is the hassle-free development and seamless user experience. This is the thing that most website owners fall for because they know that their much-anticipated web solution will be developed at the fastest time and also with lower costs. Beside, there are lots of striking functionalities you can get running a CodeIgniter-based web solution.

# 1 Agile Approach

The most mention-worthy benefit of the framework is that it deploys a simpler and agile approach. While one can use PHP language for crafting a solution with it, other components of the framework are too easy to use. The interface is pretty simple to understand, for which develop the site smoothly and swiftly.

# 2 Great Programming support

Being a custom framework, CodeIgniter offers top-notch functionalities of programming and developers have the comfort to code in the most eminent way. While they can create everything straight from the scratch, no configurations are used. That means you can use the code once created later for other aspects of the website.

# 3 Minimal configuration needs

It is perhaps one of the rarest frameworks with fewer configuration needs. It runs with the rule, "Write once, use everywhere. While programming one just needs to start with 'config.php' and potentially load the database, libraries and all arrays. There's no need for writing the database name every time for different programming.

# 4 Easy and extensible

It makes a perfect fit PHP framework for many users who do not possess much technical skills. They are true and easily able to deploy and run a solution with CodeIgniter because of its less code requirements, easy-error handling, fast response time, no mandatory "installation". Further, it's extendable. Means, with it, one can write additional libraries, alter the pattern of pre-existing libraries and tweak in other elements to fit the web app's requirement.

# 5 Inbuilt tools for security

The framework allows the owner of website or applications to decide and implement the level of security they want. While it has some of the default exception inbuilt security tools for filtered input and output. Secondly, there are other functions reinforcing top-level safety to the web solutions like encryption and decryption. Under these, all the data are sent and received through secret installation, meaning no intruders can hack them.

Apart from these impossible benefits, other perks of using CodeIgniter for web development include fast execution and installation time, proper file organization, huge community support step-by-step development testing, easy customization templates, and cache class.

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