Monday, November 5, 2018

What You Need to Know About Herbs

What You Need to Know About Herbs

Herbs - These are the types of plants that has various uses. Some use them as home ornaments. Others some of them for cooking and of course, probably the most common use for medical purposes. Yes, herbs have been useful to mankind ever since and true enough there are various ways to prepare and utilize them. But what do we really know about herbs? Can anyone just use them or are there special procedures to prepare them? Where do they come from and are they adaptable to any climate? Before we rent on it's various uses, we must first know it's basics.

First, you have to know what types of herbs will you be planting? Their uses would mainly depend on the type of herbs available. There are herbs that are mainly used for medical purposes while other are great seasonings for cooking. What's great about these plants is they can be used as ornaments at home as well. You can check out from your local florist about the types of herbs or you can either go online.

The next thing you need to consider is the environment your herb will grow into. Herbs could require special growing conditions which would depend upon the variety. There are herbs, like Rosemary, that are low and bushy plants while others are tall and grass like Dill. Most herbs require ample amount of sunlight, while some need to be more in shade. It is encouraged to plan your herb ahead to ensure you'll have the best possible results and a bountiful harvest later on.

Weather or climate is one of most essential factors to think when planting your herb garden. After knowing what you are going to grow and the type of soil to plant it, weather or climate must not be forgotten. Most, if not all, herb plants does not want to be in the cold. So, take note when the weather cools down and before the first frost, it is essential to bring your herbs inside to keep them warm enough and from being frozen to death. It is always recommended to move the plants using a container garden or you can do it the old fashion way by digging up herb plants that are planed in an outdoor planter, although it will take more work that normally.

No doubt about it that herb gardening is indeed relaxing and rewarding. Through various studies, it has lowered stress levels, gives off a healthy dose of vitamin D from the short sunlight expose and provide some delicious herbs to add to your favorite recipes which are great substitutes for unwanted fat and sodium.

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