Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Penis Shrinking - Causes Of Penile Shrinkage And Why It Needs Help

Penis Shrinking - Causes Of Penile Shrinkage And Why It Needs Help

If a man is worried about his penis shrinking, it's generally quite a cause for concern. When a man is young and virile, his penis is living its best years. Sex is more fun, your penis seems to be as big and hard as it can get and you can go for longer in bed.

It's only later on, in a man's late 30s, 40s or afterwards that the penis shrinking kicks in, causing much confusion, despair and even panic.

The Causes Of Penis Shrinking

Penile shrinkage is when you lose some girth and length from the original size of your erect penis. Men also can lose size and weight from their penis in its flaccid state. The potential causes are quite simple to understand and you can find a remedy if you apply some natural techniques.

Weaker erections

Quite simply, most cases of a penis shrinking are related to erections becoming less hard as time goes on. Harder erections maximize the potential of your penis and increase the size of your erect member. When your erections are hard and powerful, your penis will seem bigger. This is because it is bigger!

As a man ages, levels of the main sex hormone, testosterone, decline and he may experience weaker erections and weight gain. This is what makes the penis smaller than before. Fortunately, this process can be reversed.

Poor blood circulation

As the years pass, a man eats more, drinks more and sometimes smokes. The penis depends on adequate blood circulation for strong erections. Fats can build up in the blood vessels and prevent blood from reaching the penis. Smoking can restrict blood flow and affect libido negatively. A lack of erections can cause blood circulation to become weak in the penile area over time.

Low testosterone

The male hormone, testosterone, declines in men after the age of 30 and can reach unacceptably low levels in men with a number of negative symptoms including the penis shrinking.


Anabolic steroids can cause the testicles to effectively shut down as the body starts to depend on steroids instead of natural testosterone. To some extent, penile shrinkage can also be a consequence of steroids.

Testosterone treatment

Men have reported that testosterone injections can cause their testicles to shut down and shrink, in the same way that steroids do. The penis and erection quality can also be affected to some extent.

Solutions For The Penis Shrinking

Now you know about the causes of penile shrinkage, we get to the interesting part, the solutions. You'll be pleased to find out that you can reverse penis shrinking and although it may take a few weeks or a couple of months, it is absolutely possible.

Boost testosterone

Taking a supplement for boosting testosterone naturally in your body is the first step towards growing your penis back to a healthy normal size again. Choosing a high quality supplement is a great place to start your energy back on the road to recovery and harder erections.

You can also exercise. Train your muscles 3 times a week and do some cardio exercise at least 3 times per week and get out in the sunshine more often. Eat more cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower for best results.

Penile Massage

You may have heard of penile massage for improving blood circulation in the penile area. This is quite easy for you to do in an erect or a flaccid state. You'll need to massage especially around your perineum and the base of your penis, paying careful attention to increase blood flow in the penile chambers.

Penile massage is great for improving blood circulation and increasing erection quality. The way you perform penile massage is very important to your penile shrinkage problem. Doing it the right way could save you weeks of penis panic. It's really worth paying some attention to following the methods correctly to get optimal results.

Improving Lifestyle

Your lifestyle can be dramatically improved by tweaking a few aspects of it and increasing vitality and health levels. This will help to boost your erections, make your penis seem bigger and help you to feel confident again. Eat more organic food and avoid packaged food that has come into contact with plastic. Some plastics actually leech chemicals which can have a dampening effect on male testosterone levels.

Reduce your intake of white carbs and eat more vegetables, lean white meats, eggs and fish. Get into shape and detox your body in whatever way possible.

The causes of your penis shrinking are probably more to do with male hormones rather than any disease or problem you think you may have. Address the root cause of the problem by following the above advice and you'll reverse your penile shrinkage in just a few weeks.

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