Sunday, November 11, 2018

How to Get a Bigger Penis and Not Spend a Penny

How to Get a Bigger Penis and Not Spend a Penny

Have you ever been asking yourself how to get a bigger penis? As a guy you know that size matters. Because having a larger penis gives any man more confidence and self esteem. Also we are aware of it, that most women would choose larger over smaller (if given the option). And if you are poorly endowed by nature the question of how to get a larger penis can be of vital importance.

No matter the talk, one of the main ways that a man defines himself is by his sex organ. Its size, shape, whether it's straight or it curves left or right, up or down. Logically, this might seem pretty prehistoric, but it's the way it is. Because the biological function of a man is to reproduce, it's necessary to have a sexual organ that will help make you more attractive to the opposite sex.

Unsurprisingly throughout all of time and regardless of the society they lived in, men have always wanted to find out how to make their penis bigger and even more so this quest has become a dominant goal for many men today - not least because porn is omnipresent in this day and age and is triggering a comparison of penis size.

As there is such a great demand it comes not as a surprise that the market responds with a huge supply for penis growth, all supposedly for the purpose to help us get a larger penis. The internet is jam-packed with offers for

  • pills
  • creams
  • extenders (referred to as medical devices)
  • pumps
  • implants
  • stretching and hanging devices
  • surgical techniques

and what else. No wonder if this makes you feel giddy. You are betrayed with the challenge to find out which of these offers are seriously effective for penis enlargement and which are just scams and rip-offs or worse yet, downright dangerous for little Joe and your health.

Fortunately you do not depend on the industry, neither do you have to spend a dime in order to gain size. How to get a bigger penis is not a fad of our time alone and it is a safe bet that since the creation of Kama Sutra (about 2000 yrs. Ago) there was enough time for generations of men to develop and test effective penis enhancement exercises and enlargement techniques that did wonders then and still do work today.

These proven, simple, and effective exercises and techniques have been passed down to us and if you are willing to make a commitment to teach yourself these exercises you will grow your penis bigger without having to spend a penny.

The basic principles how these exercises work are quite simple. You train your penis to hold more blood and as a result it will become larger in size. In essence there are 3 different exercises:


Jelqing, sometimes called milking the penis, is a technique that pushes blood into it, holds it there and then pushes more blood into it, causing the penis to expand to a larger size that it had originally been.


The stretching exercises are focusing on length. Through regular exercises you are able to stretch your penis, since the skin and tissue are not much different than those other parts of the body. The reservoir of penis stretching exercises consistors of combinations of stretching, twirling and slapping.

Kegel Exercise

Kegel exercises refer to contracting your PC (pubococcygeus) muscle. You can identify this muscle when you stop your urinary stream. Exercising this muscle will give your penis a stronger, more muscular look and will help you to control orgasms and ejaculations.

If you are determined to get a larger penis then to naturally enlarge the little fellow through exercises is the way to go. It is healthy and safe (when done right), easy-to-learn, the results are permanent, and it does not cost you a penny.

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