Monday, November 5, 2018

Couples Making Love Positions - Positions For Better Love Making

Couples Making Love Positions - Positions For Better Love Making

In the Kama Sutra manual, it has recorded different kinds of love making positions that couples can adopt during sex. Some of the love making positions provides higher stimulation than the others and it will be good for you to try them out with your lover.

1. The Clip. This position is very easy to execute and it brings a lot of pleasure to both partners. The man will lie down with his legs outstretched. The woman will sit astride him and lean back, so that the man can play with her clitoris while she controls the thrusting movement. The man can just relaxed and enjoy the intercourse.

2. The 90 Degree. This position is best to be performed on a table, with the woman lying on it and her buttock at the edge of the table. The man will then enter her in a standing position. This position is ideal for the man to caress both her breasts as well as her clitoris. The woman should wrap both her legs onto the man's waist and pull him to towards her. This will cause the pressure to increase, giving both partners stimulating pleasures.

3. The Doggie. This is a classic making love position and it is highly stimulating for both partners. This position starts off with the woman going down on all fours, using her forearms to support herself. The man will enter her from the rear, controlling the thrusting movement with his hips. This position will give a lot of pleasures to both partners as the deep penetration will not only grind and stimulate against the vaginal wall, but also the G-Spot too.

You should explore more love making positions with your partner to spice things up as there may be some other positions that both of you find highly stimulating.

Do you need more lovemaking tips & ideas to enjoy better love making with your lover? Check out the kama sutra website below for more ideas now:

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