Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Making Money on Twitter

Making Money on Twitter

Making Money With Twitter is certainly possible. By now everyone has heard of Twitter. It is now ranked 596 on the most visited websites in the world. It founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams. It began as a research project inside a San Francisco company Odeo in March 2006. It incorporated in 2007

The Wall Street Journal wrote, "These social-networking services elicit mixed feelings in the technology-savvy people who have been their early adopters. Fans say they are a good way to keep in touch with busy friends. But some users are starting to feel 'too' connected, as they grapple with check-in messages at odd hours, higher cellphone bills, and the need to tell acquaintances to stop announcing what they're having for dinner."

That's how I felt when I first heard about it . Do I really want to know what people are doing during their days ? Of course now that I've tried it, I love it. Its like a blog in that it gives you a chance to express yourself but you don't have to write much. You just give updates. I'm sure many people will get bored of it , but the marketers will use it to try and make money. After all, this is America, and where there is a will, there is a way to make money. I'm not talking about Twitter itself monetizing the site. I'm talking about the users making a profit while they "Tweet".

The most obvious way to make money is by putting your affiliate link inside of your posts. You don't want to overdo this because Twitter frowns on it and people realize you are just trying to sell them things. Another way to make money is to get a user name that will attract people. For instance, you could choose the name Boston Red Sox. You would probably get people, following your page, who are interested in the Boston Red Sox. Then, you could sell them things related to baseball or the Red Sox. That is a couple of methods, perhaps you can think of more

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