Monday, October 22, 2018

How to Start Your Own Tractor Service Business

How to Start Your Own Tractor Service Business

You can start your own business, and work for yourself, and make pretty good money, if you have a tractor to use, and trailer to pull it with. You can also rent a tractor on a trailer in the beginning of your business, from your local rental yard, and ask him for a special discount, since you will be renting more than once. This will give you a good feel first, to see if you like tractor work. You can check around various places for the best deal, and then ask for even a better deal, no harm in that.

Once you have access to a tractor, there is lots of work in subdivisions, construction jobs, road grading, just about anything you can think of, for use with a tractor. You could contract with some companies that build houses. They usually always need to be graded level, with a tractor before they start building anything usually. Other houses on big lots, or even acres, like 1, 2, 5 and even bigger pieces of land, need a tractor, to grade their big yards, and keep the weeds at bay.

Lots of homes in the west are like that, especially in the desert areas. The tumble weeks grow so quickly, that most homes need tractors to scrape all the weeds off their land, and make them look clean again. You can make up a tractor service flier that you can pass out to landscapers, construction businesses, real estate agents, and more. Then you can do some adverting in the local paper. Make sure you have some nice signs on your vehicle also, to get more customers. It doesn't hurt to have a nice big ad on your trailer you use to pull the tractor either.

Most rental yards charge a minimum of $200, just to rent a small tractor and trailer, so you know you can make money, if you target the right customers. Horse property home owners, are a good place also, as the corrals for horses, and other animals, need to be mucked out on a regular basis, so that the animals don't get stuck, in their own environment. Which means, they need to be cleaned all the time, and you will get repeat business with that. Lots of new home lots need to be scraped clean of weeds, before a new house can be built. Other home owners, like to keep their weeds plowed over, on a regular basis, and they will be your repeat customers. And then, any side, or different jobs that come up, you can tackle, if you think you can handle the job.

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