Sunday, October 7, 2018

Fun Ways to Earn Money - Video Game Tester

Fun Ways to Earn Money - Video Game Tester

There are many ways to make money now days. Most of them involve having a degree or some sort of higher education. This can be very stressful and expensive. There are some alternatives that a lot of people overlook when searching for a job.

Being a video game tester can prove to be very exciting and fun! Being able to choose when you want to work and for how long is very nice. Not to mention the money is pretty good as well. But the very best part about it, is that you do not need to be very experienced in testing or have any degree. Just the determination of wanting to make the gaming community better easily land you a job.

Being a video game tester involves recording glitches or bugs in new video games of whom you choose to go through. Most of the games you will receive are over six months away from reaching retail shelves! Then again some may never reach the shelves depending on the games performance.

Whatever type of game you get if it is a first person shooter or maybe a real time strategy game, you will be expected to go through every level and run into most walls to make sure everything is working properly. If there is a problem you must record everything you see on your screen and how it happens.

After doing this for a few hours some people get carried away and just start playing the game as they usually would. This is very common and there is no problem with doing so. However you must stay in all the guidelines your company has assigned you to get paid.

Your rate of pay is by the hour, and knowing how some people spend 15 hours a day playing their favorite game, it may not even seem like working. It is also a great choice for those who want to have a part time job and have some cash flow on the side.

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