Saturday, October 6, 2018

Db2 Everyplace Edition

Db2 Everyplace Edition

Db2 everyplace edition is specifically designed for mobile devices. This edition is useful when you travel for a field work with a PDA and you want to store some data and later in the evening synchronize with the main database.

There are two different versions of Db2 everyplace edition: Db2 everyplace database edition and Db2 everyplace enterprise edition. Db2 everyplace database edition is useful for developing mobile applications and enterprise edition has full fledged db2 that can synchronize as soon the connection is detected. Operating systems supported for both editions are unix, linux, solaris and windows. Enterprise edition also supports high availability and load balancing.

There are three components primarily in the enterprise edition: Database engine, sync client and sync server. Mobile devices are synchronized with the main data source server using replication. Bidirectional replication is available which enables data propagation in both directions. Data at the mobile client and data source server might be different because it takes some time usually for the replication cycles to complete and thenby propagate the changes to the other side. Backend can be Oracle, db2, sqlserver and Informix. Middle tier synchronization server contains all the metadata that is needed for the replication. Upload subscriptions are good for faster replication and it needs more hardware.

This Db2 edition can be enabled to use encryption to secure data. It can be used with a single server architecture or multi server architecture. Everyplace edition is useful for healthcare, retail industries. Before you decide on the hardware you need, list all your requirements and talk to the concerned representative.

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