Monday, October 15, 2018

Android Games - Tips to Get the Best of It

Android Games - Tips to Get the Best of It

Do you wish to kill your free time when the only company you have is your Android phone? Did you know that Android games are the most interesting and fun filled stuff to cram your phone with? Go through this article to know more about these games and their fun factors.

Android games are diversified into many categories; informational, educational, shooting games, puzzles, sports, racing, augmented reality games, location-based games and more. All these types are available for both high end and low-end Android phones.

There are low specification games for those low-end models so that you can enjoy them in your budget phones as well. This includes the lesser graphics content games that does not take much of your space. It is suitable for Android phones with low GPUs and smaller screen size as well.

Both freemium and premium games are available in the stores. Premium are paid-for games and freemium is the free games which often contain in-app purchase at certain levels. So it is advisable to monitor if someone other than you (like your kid) is using your phone; don't click on those purchase options without knowledge.

To enjoy the best high graphics and well-designed gameplay, it is better to get a high-end model with a bigger screen and good GPU. Even you can enjoy those high-quality gaming effects by increasing the performance of your low spec, budget Android phones.

First and the simplest method to increase your low-end smartphone performance is by killing the applications that are running in the background before you start the game. You can use several task killer applications for this, as well. Most of the Android phones contain many applications that are of no use to an average user. These applications can be disabled which in turn increases the performance of your phone.

All you need to do is, go to settings, select 'apps', then select the applications to be disabled and click the 'disable' button. All these applications can be enabled in the future if you need them. Usually, the uninstalled applications or your internet browser often leaves behind junk files. These cache data often reduces your phone performance. To clear these data, go to 'settings' and click 'storage option', then select the cached data button and press okay.

Always opt for a class 10 SD card to increase your phone's gaming performance. Using these SD cards will increase the read and write speed and hence reduces the loading time and other lags that any high graphics game would demand. Those rooted Android phones have more facilities to increase their performance. The background task killer applications work to their fullest only if they are in a rooted Android version. Seeder software can be installed in a rooted Android phone, which reduces the lag during switching between applications.

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