Saturday, October 6, 2018

An Expired Listing Letter Will Make Your Phone Ring

An Expired Listing Letter Will Make Your Phone Ring

An Expired Listing Letter can help you generate more leads, get more listings and make more sales. It's a fact that many top producing agents can validate. However, do not expect an agent in your market to actually do it, because doing so could ruin their business.

On the other hand I have nothing to lose by sharing this commonly known but underutilized tool with you. Why? Because chances are we're not in direct competition with one another. So, if you are not conducting a letter writing campaign you should think about it.

5 Reasons for Starting an Expired Listing Letter Campaign Today

1) Expired listing campaigns are effective lead generators and when using them you can expect to generate listings on a consistent basis. So, let me ask you a question. How many listings are you currently generating on a weekly basis? That's what I thought. Want more? Then target expired listings ... and start today.

2) Every letter you mail is highly targeted and goes to someone known to be interested in selling their home; someone who may be more motivated to sell when they list with you than they were during previous listings. In fact, not only can you expect the owners of expired listings to price their homes competitively, you can insure on it.

3) Farming expired listings is easy to do and a good letter makes it even easier. Mail ten letters a day, which takes on average less than thirty minutes, and you'll quickly be on your way to a renewable source of leads.

4) When you place a "For Sale" Sign & Rider on an expired that you convert to a new listing it'll enhance your stature as a successful agent in your community. Every passerby, property owner, renter, visitor and investor in the neighborhood will potentially look to you as an agent to do business with - and that will generate even more leads, listings and sales.

5) Finally, an expired letter writing campaign can also generate investment opportunities. Sometimes owners are willing to sell in a hurry, thereby creating attractive investment opportunities. You can establish relationships with real estate investors to buy some of the homes you list, or potentially line up investors to finance your purchase of them.

The Sound of Success

So, do not procrastinate. Get yourself an Expired Listing Letter set and start mailing letters today. And when you do know that your phone will start ringing and when it does be assured that callers will be wanting to do business with you. Can you ask for anything better?

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