Thursday, October 4, 2018

7 Ways To Make More Money With Your List

7 Ways To Make More Money With Your List

Every successful internet marketers understand the importance having an opt-in list. It makes all the difference between selling just one time or selling for an entire life cycle of your customer.

There are many benefits of having an opt-in list. It allows the internet marketer to:

o market his wares through a series of cleverly-crafted upselling emails

o inform his customers about the latest products he has created

o build relationship and trust over time

The important thing to highlight here is that for opt-in list to work, it has to be wholly permission-based. List owners will have to adhere to their promise of non-disclosure or rental of his list failing which subscribers will feel a sense of betrayal. Also all unsubscribe requests must be

Not many internet marketers though know of the many other ways to leverage on their list for more profits. I like to share on 7 more effective ones here.

1) Insert Advertisements

There are many corporations more than willing to pay for their banner ads to a list especially one which is huge and targeted to their products and services. However take heed not to sell or rent your list away for the reason highlighted already.

In a similar way, you can levy a fee for ads to be placed in your newsletter assuming you have one. This can become a regular source of income when you start to sell your ads in packages.

2) Create Affiliations Or Alliances

If you are in a huge industry with many companies offering related or complementary products and services to yours, you could have your own Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign running on your webpage, emails, newsletters and so on where you get paid for every traffic you direct to their webpages.

PPC offers variable costs when advertisers pay only when there is real traffic so it goes down well with your "clients' or alliance partners.

3) Do A Joint-Venture Deal

Better yet ask for a small percentage of sales instead of PPC revenue. You should do this if your partner has a product with a very high conversion rate and he has no qualms sharing a huge referral fee with you.

4) Sell Directly

Instead of driving traffic to your partners, how about getting even higher upfront discount or master resale rights and sell the products directly!

To reduce your risk you could even take products on a consignment basis for a start. Or how about a JIT (just-in-time) model where you could place orders with your partners only when you get a firm order from your list.

5) Sell An Entire Pipeline Of Products

Manuals and how-to articles are in great demand. If you have a very targeted base with a great hunger for how-to literature, you can sell a whole gamut of your own back-end products or even affiliate products.

I would suggest that you focus on the former. It is easy to churn out a series of related articles (or what I call article Series Product) and package them into a special report or your new ebook. You will be making and keeping 100% profit this way while driving more traffic to your website by submitting the articles individually. Sneaky way for doing both product creation and traffic generation at the same time!

6) Create A Network Out Of Your List

Get your list to invite more people to view your site and join in the subscription. The larger your list is, the higher the volume of clickthroughs for each of your monetizing efforts. Do a member-get-member (MGM) program where you give away more freebies!

7) Invite Your List To Be Re-sellers

Lastly, you can invite your list to market for you by giving them a generous cut on your profits. This is one of the best way to do MGM promotion mentioned earlier.

What is more powerful than getting a whole army of affiliates selling for you 24 x 7 while you are sleeping.

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