Saturday, September 29, 2018

What to Consider When Buying a Conference Phone

What to Consider When Buying a Conference Phone

For a high-quality conference call experience it makes sense to use the specialist equipment that is intended for the purpose. The conference phone is built with special components that help to provide the reliable sound quality for everyone involved to easily hear the conversation. Most of these phones have different design features and performance factors to provide a reliable service.

Here are several things to consider in the process of buying the conference phone:

Multiple features

The conference phone is built to include the standard functions of a normal phone, such as call transfer, mute redial and hold, as well as having the ability to adjust the sound settings to match the environment.

A great feature for sound clarity is the option to use multi directional microphones which can also help minimizeize echoes and excess noise inside the boardroom. The inclusion of duplex technology makes it possible to have a free-flowing conversation without the risk of dropouts at either end. Also, the wireless type of phone has greater flexibility for all participants.

Match the location

The conference phone has built-in microphones that are designed to work with different sized rooms, so it is essential to match the phone to the available space. Plus, there are other issues that can impact sound quality such as the amount of glass, wall paneling and hard surfaces. A typical office can use the phone that has a coverage area of ​​5 to 7 feet, while this will need to increase in the larger boardrooms that have multiple participants.

VoIP functionality

A conference setup with VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology is appreciated for being a lot more cost-effective than the regular phone setup, as well as the ability to provide messaging and video functionality. Plus the phone with Internet connectivity makes it a lot easier to get setup for providing webinar services and video conferencing.

Bluetooth Connectivity

The phones with Bluetooth connectivity make it easier for the participants in the call to connect and share data using their own digital devices. Also the phone that has USB sockets is easier to connect to Internet VOIP networks, which is also useful as a means to link the conference phone to a video screen.


A useful solution to block common signal noises in the office environment, such as devices connected to wireless printers, is to use the type of phone that has the ability to resist all types of radio and electrical interference.

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