Sunday, September 30, 2018

What Equipment Do I Need To Open A Salon Or Barber Shop?

What Equipment Do I Need To Open A Salon Or Barber Shop?

Opening a barbershop or even a salon can be a challenging job. There are many rules and regulations governing the industry usually set by the state boards and by the city codes and ordinances. Many cities have barbering educators who are licensed to teach in their shop or school and who have a wealth of knowledge of what's required in your city to be able to run a violation free shop. They typically love the business and love talking about it. If you can seek out their support you will have an advantage in getting started.

Now lets talk about learning the old fashion way and researching it yourself by reading the rules and regulations. The best sources for finding information regarding specific requirements is from your State Boards or Regulatory Commission. But you still have to deal with your city or town building and occupancy codes to get a "C of O" approval (Certificate of Occupancy). We have compiled an alphabetical list by States and their web addresses related to the regulation of barbering and cosmetology. Remember each state requires different things but some important safety items have been a Sharps Container (used razor blade disposal), certificates / licenses displayed and have on file a MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for every chemical you use.

Lets start with the Basics or MUST have items:

· A shampoo sink / chair combo with hot and cold running water

· A styling chair, all purpose chair or barber chair, one per person

· One hand held or hood dryer with or without the chair

· One work station (wall mount, stationary), per person

· A disinfectant container with disinfectant or sterilizing solution

· Seating accommodations in reception area

· Cabinet for clean towels and supplies

· A receptacle for used towels

· Reception Desk

· Floor Mats

· Child Booster Seat

The best places to get the information you need on the equipment requirements for a Salon or Barbershop is your local Chamber of Commerce and your state board.

The following links are to all of the State Boards:

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