Thursday, September 27, 2018

Steps to Install Active Directory on Windows XP or Later Versions

Steps to Install Active Directory on Windows XP or Later Versions

Are you a Windows XP user? Do you want to install Active Directory on your computer? Are you skeptical about installing the AD domain on your system all by yourself? AD needs to be installed manually on Windows XP, but it is not as difficult as it seems to be. The steps involved in installing the AD domain on Windows XP or later are so simple that even a child can carry out the whole procedure. It will take hardly a few minutes and you need not seek any help from a tech savvy person!

The control panel function for the Active Directory Users and Groups allows the system administrators to modify, delete, and add accounts on their respective network directories and hence, it is an inevitable tool for them. But note that this AD utility is installed on the Windows Server OS by default. Therefore, if you want to install Active Directory tool on Windows XP or the later versions, you must do it manually via the MMC (Microsoft Management Console).

So, if you are a user of Windows XP or later, here are the steps that you must follow to get the AD utility installed on your system -

Step 1: Once you have logged into your system as an administrator, go to the Start Menu and select 'Run'.

Step.2: Key in 'mmc' in the Run dialog box that appears and hit 'Enter'. This will launch the MMC utility on your system.

Step.3: In the top menu bar, select 'File' > 'Add/Remove Snap-in'

Step 4: You will now be presented with a pop-up screen. Select 'Add' at the bottom of this window and go to the next step.

Step 5: Here, you will be presented with a list of all available tools. Mark the tool called 'AD users and Computers' and click 'Add'.

Step 6: In the next window, select Close > OK

Step 7: To apply the new settings and install active directory, you must now reboot your system. Once the computer restarts, you can find the AD tool in the Control Panel, within the 'Administrative Tools' folder.

If you follow these steps carefully, you can get the AD domain installed very easily on Windows XP OS. Note that there are different steps that you must follow to create and configure active directory domains on different systems. So, make sure you are following the right steps for the right system. Moreover, there are a number of things that you must be prepared with before you go ahead with the AD installation on your system.

Thus, if you are well prepared before you install Active Directory and exercise due caution while following the given procedure, AD installation will be a cakewalk for you!

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