Should You Be Concerned About Testicle Size?
A number of men find themselves worrying over testicle size, fearing that how big (or how small) they may affect their virility and sexual performance. The good news is that there is no truth to the rumor that having smaller testicles compromises a man's ability to give and enjoy good sex, or to father children. However, there may be ways in which testicle size can be an indication of a disease or disorder.
According to urologists, the testicles of a normal adult may range from 1.57 inches (four centimeters) to 2.75 inches (seven centimeters). If you find that yours measure less than 1.5 inches, you might want your doctor to take a look at the "family jewels." The testicles are responsible for producing the hormone testosterone (which determinates a man's libido level, among others) and spermatozoa. Smaller-than-normal testicles could indicate a hormonal problem, which could affect your masculinity and fertility.
Some men are also concerned with uneven testicle size; that is, when one side seems to be bigger than the other. This is absolutely normal and should not cause distress, except if there is swelling, pain, or if you feel a discernible lump. These could be early indications of testicular cancer, which commonly affects men between the ages of 19 and 44. This is why regular self-examination of the testicles is important; early early, testicular cancer is easy to treat.
If your testicles are in healthy condition, you really need not worry about their size. They grow to their full size once you become an adult, and there's really no scientifically proven or approved way to make them grow even bigger. If you're worried that the size of your testicles might affect the way women think of you, you might find comfort in the results of a survey that shows that women are generally turned off by very large ones or those that hang very low. For many women, medium-sized testicles are the ideal.
Genetics play a significant role in testicle size. Scientific studies suggest that, on average, Blacks have testicles that are up to twice as large as those of Asians' (and although this may affect the quantity of sperm produced by Asian men, it does not affect quality). The size of Caucasian men's testicles falls somewhere in between.
On the other hand, anthropological studies show that the size of a man's testicles may influence his level of promiscuity. It has been suggested by Allan and Barbara Pease in their book "Why Men Do not Listen, Women Can not Read Maps," that the bigger a man's testicles, the more inclined he is to be promiscuous and the greater his need to have sex more often. This is why eunuchs (castrated males) were placed in charge of the harems of the ancient Arab kings; they could be trusted not to lust after the king's concubines.
In today's world, a man need not be concerned that his testicle size will affect his looks, sexual performance, or fertility. As long as they're healthy and functioning as Nature intended, then there's no cause for alarm.