Sample Letter - 3 Keys To Making Your Point
People of all ages, all backgrounds, and economic status should be well prepared to write down their feelings in the traditional form. Yes, emails work great, but there is nothing like scathing as having to send a piece of mail with your thoughts emblazoned on them. For those that are not good at the process, consider creating a sample letter and then modifying it slightly to get your point across and send it to the people you want to read it. This does not have to be an overly complicated issue; it can be a simple tirade about your feelings of a certain company's policies, or what they are offering to the general public. Whatever the case is, you can make sure that your voice is heard and not ignored. Millions of people send emails, but a letter? Now that's something special in the modern world. Consider the three keys to making your point in writing.
The first key to building a great sample letter is the introduction. Make sure that you write the traditional or formal, "dear" followed by a comma and the person you want to directly speak to. If you're not familiar with the person's name, then include a title of their position or at the very least say "to what it may concern". The introduction should lead into your opening paragraph.
The second key is the opening paragraph. Choose your words carefully here, and make sure you hit them with everything you have up front. If you're disgusted, or mad, tell them in the first few lines, and do not sugar covered. After you've hit them with everything, you can digress and explain further in the consequential paragraphs. The reason why you want to be up front here, is that most people might not even read past the first paragraph, so you want to ensure that they get your point and if they continue, they'll get an explanation.
The body of a sample letter should have further explanations but be done in plain English with major fluff. Do not try to wax poetic here, simply get to the point, explain your position and how it should have been fixed by whomever you're writing to. If the letter is not something angry, then use this part of the writing to inform whomever you're scribing to, how great they are.
The aforementioned 3 keys are simple points to creating a solid piece of mail. After the writing has ended, and you've said your goodbyes in the form of a "Sincerely" and your name, you're ready to send it out. Some people find that writing from a template helps, but it can hinder creativity. Consider doing at least one sample and see where your mind is at, and how it can progress. In some cases, people find that writing out their feelings of thanks or even loathing, can help satiate the mind to forget about the situation and move forward with life in general. The written word is still as powerful as ever, do not forget that.