Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Living Life With the Law of Attraction - You Are in Control!

Living Life With the Law of Attraction - You Are in Control!

The Law of Attraction, The Secret, positive thinking, manifesting your dreams, these days most of you have probably heard of these phrases and ideas but what is it all about and more importantly can you really control your life just with your thoughts?

The basic concept of this is the idea that if you simply change the way you think, and start living life in a mindful way, you can literally create the life you dream of with the power of intention. The Law of Attraction simply means whatever you think about you will attract into your life, and so if you think positive thoughts you will attract positive things into your life and in direct contrast if you think negative thoughts you will attract negative things into you life.

This probably sounds too easy but the truth is this 'secret' is not a 'new age' concept. On the contrary, it has been around for centuries and practiced throughout the world by some of the most prominent leading minds of our time including Einstein, Henry Ford and Winston Churchill.

Most people place limitations on their lives without realising. They believe that there is a ceiling to the things they can achieve, and as the Law of Attraction is always working, this is what they will attract into their lives, and therefore never surpass the limitations they alone have set.

There are many important steps to take in order to successfully implement the 'secret' into everyday life, possibly the most important is GRATITUDE. Recognising and having gratitude for the things you already have in your life is the best way to create of positive state of mind. Try it... write a list of everything you are grateful for, your family, friends, home, job, health, etc and you will soon feel a sense of happiness. This is the best state to be in when setting forth your intentions for the future.

The simple answer if you really want to start living your life to its full potential in 2010 is 'Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life'.

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