Monday, September 24, 2018

GTU 10 - Why Do I Need It?

GTU 10 - Why Do I Need It?

If you need a navigator that can keep an eye on your beloved one or keep track of position of your pets or property, you may need GTU 10, an innovative new product from Garmin which is based on the web. After reading this article you can easily decide, if you really need this GPS tracking unit.

Who needs GTU 10?

You would need GTU 10, if you are one of them:

  1. Parents who need to keep an eye on their children daily, for example: during they are on their way to school or anywhere. So you can make sure that your children are safe wherever they go.
  2. Travelers who always can keep an eye on their luggage and things that left so that they will not lose them.
  3. Pet lovers who can track the position of their pets and receive notification once their pets are outside of a geofence.
  4. Runners who can notice their progress on race day or let their family track where they are so that their family can contact them, if it is needed.
  5. Car owners who can keep an eye on their cars every day.

How GTU 10 Works?

It is very easy to use GTU 10 which provides a built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery with a four-week battery life. You can just follow these following tips how to use GTU effectively:

  1. After you buy a GTU 10, you should register and activate it in your Garmin account. You will get one year of standard tracking.
  2. Then you are able to monitor the location of your GTU 10 on a map from your computer by using Garmin's tracking website or the free Garmin Tracker application for iPhone or Android devices.
  3. The GTU 10 will enter or exit a geofence that you have already set up. You can also use a garmin nuLink! Device to make automatically route to GTU 10.
  4. Once the device goes outside the area which you have already determined, you will get an email or text message.

What is in the Box

If you buy GTU 10, you will get these following stuffs:

  1. Garmin GTU 10
  2. USB Cable
  3. Attachment Case
  4. Adhesive Strip
  5. Carabiner Clip
  6. Owner's Manual

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