Getting An International Law Job - 10 Mistakes That Can Cost You A Legal Job Abroad
While every country has its own quirks when it comes to recruiting for law jobs there are some things that are the same the world over. There are lots of traps to fall into that could prevent you from getting that international law job you have always dreamed of.
CV Lacks Focus - You have to think of your CV like an advert, it's selling you as a candidate to you potential employer abroad so it's important it's got a clear focus. Decide exactly what you would like the reader to come away from your CV thinking. You can then focus every element of your CV towards this aim. Don't include anything unnecessary and keep the document brief.
CV Hides Key Skills - If you are applying for a legal job your relevant qualifications & experience is hugely important. Don't hide them away at the end of your document. It's a sad truth but often recruiters don't read CVs in that much depth and often lose interest before the end. Don't let important information get lost at the end of your CV.
Over Used Template - Nearly everyone uses Microsoft Word and lots of people use Google. So imagine how many people use the templates that are easy to find. In a competitive job market, like law, there can often be a large number of applicants for a position; anything you can do to help your CV stand out can help your prospects of getting a legal job abroad.
Application Not Addressed to Correct Person - It's easy to make a mistake when you are sending out lots of job applications especially if you are planning on relocating to another country. However addressing your CV to the wrong person could instantly ruin your chances. The obvious solution might seem to be to send your applications to a generic "Dear Sir" If they have included a name on the advert such a tactic is likely to seem impolite and suggest you don't have a huge desire to get the job.
Typos and Bad Grammar - Probably the most repeated tip when it comes to CVs and covering letters but Typos and Grammar mistakes can be really costly. Double & triple check it. It is always worth getting at least one other person to give it a quick proof read a fresh set of eyes will spot mistakes you never would have seen.
Untailored Cover Letter - There's nothing wrong with sending out a generic CV, there are definite benefits to tailoring the document to each job but it's not essential. On the other hand you must tweak your cover letting for each individual job application you make. Show why you would be the perfect candidate specifically for the job advertised. Use the same phrasing as they have used and you could be on the way to a great international law job.
Talking Too Much - It's always risky in a job interview that you can end up talking too much. Answer the question briefly giving an extended answer can seem like a good idea but it's easy to end up rambling and create a bad impression.
Negative About Previous Jobs - The chances are you are leaving your job you are unhappy there, especially if you are thinking about moving abroad. However it won't help you get a new job by dwelling on the reasons you are leaving your old one. It will make you seem negative person and less attractive as a potential employer.
Asking About Salaries Too Early - Much like a shop wouldn't ask to see your credit card before letting you through the door you shouldn't jump the gun when it comes to salary negotiation. That can wait till they offer you the job, any earlier and you'll just end seeming arrogant hardly an attractive quality in legal professional.
Not Enough Eye Contact - The importance of body language cannot be underestimated many people can get hung up on what they say in an interview when how they are sitting and how they and the tone of their voice. One of the easiest ways to improve your body language is too make more eye contact. It's easily done and can have great positive effects.
If you are thinking of applying for a legal job abroad avoiding these mistakes could make your search for a new career that much easier.