Thursday, September 20, 2018

Android Application Development: A Beginner's Guide

Android Application Development: A Beginner's Guide

So, your mind is embedded with creativity to build a thirst quenching app for the users. Some great pictures coming in your mind where can you see unsurpassed downloads? Where are you stuck? Is it in learning to code a successful Android Application?

Learning is a never-ending process and if you have that hunger in you, no task is unreachable. Android Application Development can be a daunting task, especially if you are a beginner. Lots of in-depth knowledge is required to start on with the development process. Some of the terms which you may not even even familiarize with pops up but special thanks to Google, which makes our task way easier. Take a deep sigh of relief and fasten your seatbelt for a big and a bumpy coding ahead.

Step 1: Selection of Operating System

An Operating System is the most important software that runs on a computer. It is a medium of communication between the programmer and the computer itself. Proper selection of OS (Operating System) depends upon the scope of your project. There is three major OS ruling the Internet world- Linux, Windows, and Mac.

Linux is the preferred OS by most of the developers, but if you are new to it, go for Windows Operating System. Once the selection has been done, you can go on to the next step of installation of the Android Studio.

Step 2: Downloading and Installing Android Studio

Android Studio is the most used 'Integrated Development Environment' owned by Google. IDE is a platform where you can see the codes that you write and view the results there itself. After downloading the Android Studio, you can just finish off the installation process to see a screen where you can run your codes.

A common editor can also be used to run the codes, but why to ignore the specialty of this IDE? It is specifically designed to code and Android Application.

Step 3: Downloading the Java Development Kit (JDK)

After the Android Studio has been downloaded, the next important software is the JDK. The programming language which will be used to develop the Android app will be JAVA. Therefore, to use the Android Studio, JDK needs to be installed which can be downloaded here. Follow the instructions carefully to install. Once it has been done, your Android Studio is ready to be launched.

Another deciding factor is the UI in which you want to see the output of your code. There are two options open for you- Emulator or the Real Time Device.

An Android Emulator is an Android Virtual Device which will look exactly the same as your Android device and can be used to run and test your code. If you have opted to test your code on a Real-Time Device, the Driver supporting it needs to be installed again.

Step 4: Starting your First Project

You are all set to start your new Android Studio Project. Enter the name of the project you are all the way waiting for and after successful completion, you can upload it to the Google Play Store.

Naming your project should be smart enough because this will be the file which all the users will be seeing. While thinking about the application, you might have decided the platform on which it will run, meaning; Phone or Tablet.

Step 5: The Starting Page for the Final Project

Once the app you are making, opens, you can see a message saying- "Hello World". This is the smallest program which all the developers make while learning a new technology. From this, you can start coding your desired project in mind. It can be a Job Listing App or a Cab Booking app or maybe a Book Store even.

Finally Jumping into the Reality

Not all apps become successful and get great reviews. A bit of marketing along with User-friendly experience is something which needs to be focused the most. Also, JAVA is a language which requires a deep sense of knowledge. Practicing is the best possible way to come out with flying colors.

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