Monday, September 17, 2018

10 Surprising Ideas To Make Your Brain More Creative

10 Surprising Ideas To Make Your Brain More Creative

Creativity is a prized asset in any organization, helping businesses become more innovative in their markets and stand out from the crowd.

Approaches to developing a culture where creativity thrills have varied from hiring 'creative people' and letting them do their stuff, hoping that it rubs off on others, to the Google type of approach where people are allowed the freedom and flexibility to be who they are in the work environment.

But what if you're completely and utterly disorganized? Does that make impossible to create? Amongst all the clutter is there enough space for killer ideas to crawl out?

Neuroscience suggests that disorganization can be good for creativity - so do not despairs too much if you can not find last week's timesheet. It's probably hidden benefit a stack of fantastic, world-changing ideas!

Here are ten ideas that may help you throw a spanner in the works and get more creative (thanks to Steven Johnson and his book Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation for most of these):

1. Numbers matter

Cities are far more creative than small towns. The sheer volume of ideas generated means that they 'feed' off each other and can develop a creative life of their own.

2. Develop lots of interests

Developing multiple hobbies and interests helps you establish new 'connections' that a single view does not always allow. The brain compares and contrasts more if you are looking at things from the benefit of multiple angles automatically.

3. Keep reading habits diverge

Reading several books about different subjects at the same time rather than sequentially may help the brain form new connections and generate ideas that you may not otherwise see.

4. Allow your mind to wander

Let your mind become distracted to become more creative. Probably not best to do that when you need to get that report in to the boss, but if you can find the right moments, a free mind can be a creative one.

5. Never stop learning

The most creative minds never stop learning in their field; even those considered experts who 'know it all' continue to study and make new connections.

6. Debate - do not brainstorm

Numbers may matter but neuroscience suggests that accepting everything is not necessarily a good approach to creativity. Allowing ideas to crash into each other through debt may be more effective.

7. Embrace the exhaustion

Some people can be at their most creative when their brain is exhausted and not functioning at peak. Do not throw away the notepad by the side of the bed!

8. Variety is key

Having a variety of talents, interests, and experience is a plus for promoting creative teamwork, so make sure you mix it up. Do not let your team members become too comfortable and familiar with each other.

9. Take a walk or a run

While a walk is traditionally considered a good way to 'clear your head' it can also be a way to get creative. Get the heart rate up and see what happens!

10. Listen to your gut!

Often the gut instinct or 'belly barometre' can be a good guide to a creative exit. Follow the connections even if they do not make a lot of sense. It can take you away from logic towards a more creative solution.

You will have seen the word 'connections' used many times above. The connections your brain makes lie at the heart of your creativity. It is a complex process that requires the whole brain engaged; but neuroscience shows that this may sometimes be achieved more effectively not by quiet concentration - but by disorganization and clutter!

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