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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

How to Use Your Articles to Gain Followers

How to Use Your Articles to Gain Followers

Since the Internet is so vast, it can be difficult to make your site stand out from the rest. One of the best ways to separate yourself from the competition is by creating solid content that visitors enjoy reading. Here are a few tips that you can use to create marketable articles and content.

Understand the Importance of SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, is crucial if you want your content to be found by Internet users. You need to do some research to find out which keywords will be most effective in enticing readers to your site, and then sprinkle those keywords into the article. Check the keyword density to make sure that you are using the keywords effectively, and then add a few links to your article if the article directory allows you to do so. The keywords will draw readers to your article, and then they can click on the links to visit your site.

Stay Informed

One of the fastest ways to lose readers is to post outdated information. In some fields, this may not be a common problem, but other fields face drastic changes frequently. For example, a photography site needs to have information about all of the newer cameras, lenses and software on the market. Visitors will not want to spend their time reading information that is no longer applicable, and they certainly will not visit your site if they do not feel that the article is worthwhile.

Incorporate Authentic Sources

As you are writing articles and content for your site, incorporated a few reliable resources. Cite government agencies or scientific studies to show readers that you care enough about the subject to research it. Make sure that your data is current and correct. You can also link to the resource, which will make you appear even more reliable so that readers will continue to rely on you for information.

Invite Guest Bloggers

As you start to build your site, invite guest bloggers to post information occasionally. Some guests post once a week, while others only post occasionally. Your guest's followers will visit your site in order to read the post, and they may have hooked enough to follow you, as well. You may need to discuss topics, lengths and perspectives with your guest blogger, or you can give him free reign. Just make sure that you choose someone who has a website that covers the same general topic as yours.

With the many blogs and websites on the Internet, you have to get creative when it comes to marketing your content. By creating solid, informative articles that readers are interested in, you can quickly gain more followers.

Private Investors, Angel Business Capital And How They Are Related

Private Investors, Angel Business Capital And How They Are Related

We all know what important an entity small businesses have come to, especially in these times of recession, but in order to start one, we need to look for a private investor, angel business capital is provided by them and one can bank on them to see their business through. Why are small businesses so prominent today?

• Seventy five percent of the new jobs created today come from small businesses; in fact, small businesses gain billions of dollars all in the USA alone!

• Small businesses often grow into large concerns which have a predominant global presence.

• During times of recession, people are willing to invest small amounts of money, rather than a whole lot.

Smart Steps

So what should you do while courting a private investor, angel business capital or venture capital firms? You need to be smart about the choices you make before you start out on your business. Make sure you only go with accredited angel investors, who are sophisticated. By sophisticated angel investors, I mean people who have experience in the industry you are choosing to work in, they are the "been there and done that" type. It's much easier to work with them, trust me!

Another mistake which young entrepreneurs make is that they underestimate angel investors. Angels may be a bit more lenient than venture capitalists, but they do care a lot about returns on their investment, so if you think you can rest easy, please do not be under that misconception. You should also be good at making them feel important by asking their advice frequently on important (and sometimes unimportant!) Matters.

Where To Look For Them

Where can you find a private angel investor who is not a relative of yours? The best way to find them is through personal contacts. Angel investors like to know who they're dealing with and if you have common contacts it actually furthers your case a lot - The fewer the degrees of separation between the both of you, the better.

For private angel investors, angel business capital is provided on the condition that you are close to them. This means that you need to be based quite close to their offices. They do not like the idea of ​​investing in far off places. So, you could possibly start your search in local chambers of commerce, industry conferencing and of course, by networking.

There is quite a big difference between private angel investors and venture capitalists in terms of perspective. Do keep in mind that angel investors assume quite a high risk by providing your startup company with angel capital so they may interfere with your working to ensure that they succeed and do not lose all that money. So conflicts are bound to arise if you are not clear on what you expect and your role.

An angel investor is really like a partner in your business, this is one thing you will definitely want to keep in mind while dealing with them. But, with private investors, angel business capital is not all that hard to come by, so keep a look out.

Breaking Up and Banking

Breaking Up and Banking

If you have any joint accounts with your partner then you'll probably need to see your bank and change them into single accounts. However, as this will involve splitting your assets, it's not something to be rushed into!

Freeze joint accounts

You may want to freeze your joint accounts to make sure your partner can not spend all your money, or rack up new debts on a joint credit card. By freezing the accounts when you split, you can guarantee that the funds can be shared fairly when you get around to arranging your financial settlement.

Tip: You may need to make alternative arrangements for bills that would normally have come out of joint accounts. Cash is not the only asset you'll want to protect so keep up to date with those rent or mortgage payments and other essentials.

Divide the money

Splitting your assets after a break up can be a major source of stress, even if your relationship ended amicably. It's important to keep the distribution fair and ensure both parties have enough to live on.

If you're struggling to agree you may need to get help from a mediator. If you're divorcing, your solicitor can advise you on the fairest way to split your money.

How to split money from a joint account

You may decide to close your account and transfer your share of the money into new single accounts. Alternatively one person may opt to keep the joint account but take the second name off.

If you decide on the second option you may both need to speak to someone at your bank to get a name removed from the account. This is because some banks view one party as the 'main' account holder, and they will have authority over the account which the other party does not.

The danger of joint accounts that stay in both names

Even if you agree not to touch the joint account and surrender your card, if your name stays on the account then any activity will be linked to you and your credit score. If it runs into its overdraft, or beyond, this will be deemed to be partially your responsibility.

For credit cards and loans that remain in both names, the debts will affect your credit score and repayments remain partially your responsibility.

Getting started

If you're feeling confused or uncertain about what action needs to be taken, talk to an advisor at your bank and explain the situation. They will be able to guide you through each step, to make sure your finances are protected during and after the split.

Other financial advice

For general financial advice, including debt advice, you can get free help from your local Citizen's Advice Bureau, or find lots of useful information at - the CAB's advisory website. For help with mortgages, pensions, or investments, you may need to speak to an Independent Financial Advisor, or a mortgage broker.

Do not be put off by the complexity of your financial matters. There is plenty of help available to give you peace of mind and protect your money.

Article Marketing - A Proven Way to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Article Marketing - A Proven Way to Increase Traffic to Your Website

If you have been around the internet marketing game for any length of time, you have almost certainly come across the phrase 'content is king'. This is because search engines, such as Google, will rank pages with quality original content, higher than those that have been cobbled together with nothing of value offer their users. So writing quality content is at the heart of being successful online. So why is article marketing so important? Surely, you may say, it would be better to concentrate your time on writing quality content for your website rather than spend valuable time writing articles to be submitted to someone else website. This sounds logical but it is wrong because submitting articles to article directories will help you and your website in a number of ways.

Article marketing helps you to develop your writing skills.

If you like me writing does not come easily. So writing for my website and writing articles to submit to article directories, is something of a challenge. But one thing I have learnt is writing becomes easier the more often I do it. It is as if you get into a writing 'zone'. The thoughts and words start to flow. You learn how to express yourself and how to draw the reader in. So writing actually improves your writing. As the old saying goes 'practice makes perfect'. Therefore the time spent article marketing is time well spent. It helps you to learn to write quickly and with confidence. This makes writing content for your website or blog much easier.

Content may be king but it is not all that is needed to succeed.

Having great content on your website will win you brownie points with the search engines. But how are they going to find you? Also the search engines look for more than just quality content, they also look for pages that the internet community considers to have authority. The way they do this is to look for links from other websites, particular from high ranking ones. Article marketing enables you to get links, not only from the directory you submit to, but also from all the websites that take up your articles. This is powerful. A good quality article could give you hundreds of quality links back to your website in a very short time, increasing the chances of the search engines finding you quickly and giving you a high rank.

Article marketing Increases your authority In Your Chosen Niche

If you submit useful articles, that offer your readers valuable information, you will increase your authority as an expert in that niche. It is much easier to get people to your website if they have already read something valuable you have written, than it is if you have not. Put your personality into your articles and people will feel like they know you before they even visit your website. Remember, once you have submitted an article it quietly promotes you and your business for years to come.

It helps you to increase your knowledge about the niche you are in.

One of the big problems we can have when we are just starting out is a lack of experience and knowledge about our chosen niche. Of course it is far easier to write about something you already know about, and the usual advice to the newbie is to start by writing about what they already have expertise in. But although you are a bit like me. You know a little about a lot of things, but are not a particular expert in anything! Article marketing can help to change that. Writing articles claims that you spend time researching your subject, and in researching your subject you increase your knowledge. I used to preach regularly and would spend hours preparing what I was going to say. I would read and read, and think and think, until finally I thought I had something worth sharing. Much of what I read was not used in the finished sermon. But I had grown in my knowledge. What I learned in those times of study came out to be used later on. There is nothing that will increase your expertise like having to write about your niche will. Does it sound like hard work. It can be. But if you chose a niche that at least interests you, you will find it fun too.

Article marketing is a proven way to increase traffic to your website, help you develop your writing skills and help you become an expert in your chosen field. Make it a major part of your online strategy and you will soon reap the rewards.

Are You in Terminal Love?

Are You in Terminal Love?

If you are a linux geek, I am pretty sure that you are in love with terminal. If you have surfed the internet looking for solutions in linux, you might often end up in sites giving you some commands over the terminal as the solution. This is the reason for many people to hate linux as it gives a perception that 'Terminal is the preferred GUI in Linux'. The irony is that it is the same fact that drive many to fall in love with linux.

Why terminals shoo away many?

All were obsessed with Microsoft Windows at least once in their lifetime and many are still sticking with it. Yes, we all were once used to Windows which tries to distance users as far away from their command prompt as possible. What was the result ?. These people (includes myself) were barred from realizing the potential of a Command Window. Yup, we were ignorant of the power of terminal. I tell you even MS-DOS is quite high powerful.

Why you should fall in love with terminal?

As afore-mentioned, we often had seen many sites telling us to do many things using terminal. When we were expecting lots of screen-shots, we are given a bunch of commands. Have you ever wondered, why was it so? The answer s quite simple - It is much easier for a person to copy & paste commands to a terminal window than following the steps shown in a sequence of screen-shots. Another advantage is that people often use different desktop environments, which means different graphical applications, and often one will have to provide a separate solution for each desktop environment. Be it any desktop environment, the terminal solution remains unique.

If you need a solution by typing a simple single command, you can always go with shell scripts. Shell scripts have the bunch of commands in a single file and running it means sequential execution of those commands..What you need to do is, just download the appropriate shell script and just run it in the terminal.

How to fall in love with Terminal?

1. Start using the terminal.

2. Learn some unix commands and try one by one in the terminal.

3. Use the commands 'man' and 'info' to learn about a Linux command. (How to use man & info at here.)

4. Learn a bit of shell scripting.

5. Use 'vim' editor while writing scripts and programs.


Better late than never. Be aware of the potential of terminal commands and fall in love with terminal.

PS: This was originally posted on my blog- Blog-Jakes

How To Submit Articles: 3 Titles That Work!

How To Submit Articles: 3 Titles That Work!

Anyone who has ever tried to sell a house (or been in the market to buy a house) knows how important curve appealing is. Did you know that a person's strongest impression of your house is when they are at the curb, just looking at the outside of the house?

Depending on how the house and landscaping look, the potential house buyer can either get a feeling of anticipation that draws them to want to see the inside of the house, or they can feel the sudden urge to run away screaming.

Just as the appearance of a house can either draw a viewer in or scour them away, so the title of your article submission can lure a reader to read your full article or cause them to pass it over.

That is why it's absolutely essential to spend some time on your article's "curve appeal" - the title.

Here are 3 article marketing tips about types of titles that are great at luring a reader in from the curve.

1 - The newspaper style headline.

Most headlines from newspapers are characterized by a "just the facts", informational feel. An example would be:

"Children Who Do not Watch Television Are More Physically Fit"

The reason why this type of title is effective is that the information displayed in the title is captivating enough to draw a reader in. The information may also be controversial or surprising. The reader may look at the title and be shocked, skeptical or intrigued.

If you have any statistics to back up your claim, try putting them in the title, for example:

"People Who Eat Oranges Score 15% Higher On IQ Tests"

2 - A title that asks a question.

Put yourself in the shoes of your reader - what question would a person be asking that would lead them to your article? Use that question as your title.

This can also be a great technique for coming up with article ideas - think about the questions that people interested in your niche might be wondering, and then write articles to satisfy those questions.

If you're not sure what types of questions your target readers are thinking, do some basic keyword research. Very commonly, people will type questions into Google, and you can use those questions as topics for your articles.

Also, if you know about a topic in your niche that most of your readers are not clear about or have not heard of before, then that can be a very educational article topic. For example:

"Is Your Newborn Sleep Deprived?"

Imagine if a parent saw that article title - would he or she be interested? You bet!

By asking the question, it naturally ericits an answer. If the reader's answer is "I do not know", then they will naturally want to read the article to find out.

3. The numbered list article title.

People reading content on the internet are drawn to numbered lists. For one thing, a numbered list (as opposed to an article that is written in essay form) is easier to read - the numbers make the points in an article easier to follow.

The numbered list also gives a clear indication of the amount of content that will be covered in the article. If the title is "101 Ways To Make Your Wife Laugh", then you know that the article will contain a lot of short tips on that topic.

If the title is "3 Simple Ways To Improve Your Articles", you may be relieved that you only have three simple things to do to improve your articles. You can also probably count on the author covering the three tips more in depth, as there are fewer of them.

The only way that a reader will know that your article contains a numbered list is if the title reveals that. You can create a numbered list title in many different ways:

There's the "Top Tips" title (5 Top Tips For Housebreaking A New Puppy).

There's the "Reason's Why" title (3 Reasons Why You Should Start A Vegetable Garden).

There's the "How To" title (How To Change A Tire In 5 Easy Steps).

That's just to name a few, but the one thing all of these numbered list titles have in common is that they explicitly state the number of items that are in the list and what the list is about.

Your title has amazing power, either to lure a reader in or push a reader away. Every great article starts with a great title. For your next article, why not experiment by using one of these "curve appeal" types of titles?

No Credit Check Student Loans

No Credit Check Student Loans

Looking for no credit check student loans? These types of loans do exist, believe it or not. The only no credit check student loans you can get are federal student loans.

Federal loans for students are offered by the government as an investment in students' education. Because of this, the government backs each loan. This means that federal loans do not have any credit check or cosigner requirement. Because federal loans have no cosigner requirement, they are perfect for students with bad or no credit history at all.

Now, there are two federal loans given out: Perkins loan and Stafford loan. The Stafford loan is the larger loan and comes in two flavors, depending on the student's financial needs. Low income students are given out subsidized federal Stafford loans - this is a loan where the government will pay the interest for the duration of the student's schooling. The unsubsidized Stafford loan can be had by any student, regardless of their income (and as long as they are an American citizen and have a social security number).

Now, if you are looking for a no credit check private student loan, there are a couple options you can seek out. Bad credit student loans are loans offered by poor credit lenders. Such loans can be found online. Keep in mind that these types of loans have very steep interest loans - you will want to avoid getting this type of loan unless you absolutely have no other way to pay for college.

Getting a no credit check student loan is possible, through federal loans or bad credit loans.