Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Article Marketing - A Proven Way to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Article Marketing - A Proven Way to Increase Traffic to Your Website

If you have been around the internet marketing game for any length of time, you have almost certainly come across the phrase 'content is king'. This is because search engines, such as Google, will rank pages with quality original content, higher than those that have been cobbled together with nothing of value offer their users. So writing quality content is at the heart of being successful online. So why is article marketing so important? Surely, you may say, it would be better to concentrate your time on writing quality content for your website rather than spend valuable time writing articles to be submitted to someone else website. This sounds logical but it is wrong because submitting articles to article directories will help you and your website in a number of ways.

Article marketing helps you to develop your writing skills.

If you like me writing does not come easily. So writing for my website and writing articles to submit to article directories, is something of a challenge. But one thing I have learnt is writing becomes easier the more often I do it. It is as if you get into a writing 'zone'. The thoughts and words start to flow. You learn how to express yourself and how to draw the reader in. So writing actually improves your writing. As the old saying goes 'practice makes perfect'. Therefore the time spent article marketing is time well spent. It helps you to learn to write quickly and with confidence. This makes writing content for your website or blog much easier.

Content may be king but it is not all that is needed to succeed.

Having great content on your website will win you brownie points with the search engines. But how are they going to find you? Also the search engines look for more than just quality content, they also look for pages that the internet community considers to have authority. The way they do this is to look for links from other websites, particular from high ranking ones. Article marketing enables you to get links, not only from the directory you submit to, but also from all the websites that take up your articles. This is powerful. A good quality article could give you hundreds of quality links back to your website in a very short time, increasing the chances of the search engines finding you quickly and giving you a high rank.

Article marketing Increases your authority In Your Chosen Niche

If you submit useful articles, that offer your readers valuable information, you will increase your authority as an expert in that niche. It is much easier to get people to your website if they have already read something valuable you have written, than it is if you have not. Put your personality into your articles and people will feel like they know you before they even visit your website. Remember, once you have submitted an article it quietly promotes you and your business for years to come.

It helps you to increase your knowledge about the niche you are in.

One of the big problems we can have when we are just starting out is a lack of experience and knowledge about our chosen niche. Of course it is far easier to write about something you already know about, and the usual advice to the newbie is to start by writing about what they already have expertise in. But although you are a bit like me. You know a little about a lot of things, but are not a particular expert in anything! Article marketing can help to change that. Writing articles claims that you spend time researching your subject, and in researching your subject you increase your knowledge. I used to preach regularly and would spend hours preparing what I was going to say. I would read and read, and think and think, until finally I thought I had something worth sharing. Much of what I read was not used in the finished sermon. But I had grown in my knowledge. What I learned in those times of study came out to be used later on. There is nothing that will increase your expertise like having to write about your niche will. Does it sound like hard work. It can be. But if you chose a niche that at least interests you, you will find it fun too.

Article marketing is a proven way to increase traffic to your website, help you develop your writing skills and help you become an expert in your chosen field. Make it a major part of your online strategy and you will soon reap the rewards.