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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Living Life With the Law of Attraction - You Are in Control!

Living Life With the Law of Attraction - You Are in Control!

The Law of Attraction, The Secret, positive thinking, manifesting your dreams, these days most of you have probably heard of these phrases and ideas but what is it all about and more importantly can you really control your life just with your thoughts?

The basic concept of this is the idea that if you simply change the way you think, and start living life in a mindful way, you can literally create the life you dream of with the power of intention. The Law of Attraction simply means whatever you think about you will attract into your life, and so if you think positive thoughts you will attract positive things into your life and in direct contrast if you think negative thoughts you will attract negative things into you life.

This probably sounds too easy but the truth is this 'secret' is not a 'new age' concept. On the contrary, it has been around for centuries and practiced throughout the world by some of the most prominent leading minds of our time including Einstein, Henry Ford and Winston Churchill.

Most people place limitations on their lives without realising. They believe that there is a ceiling to the things they can achieve, and as the Law of Attraction is always working, this is what they will attract into their lives, and therefore never surpass the limitations they alone have set.

There are many important steps to take in order to successfully implement the 'secret' into everyday life, possibly the most important is GRATITUDE. Recognising and having gratitude for the things you already have in your life is the best way to create of positive state of mind. Try it... write a list of everything you are grateful for, your family, friends, home, job, health, etc and you will soon feel a sense of happiness. This is the best state to be in when setting forth your intentions for the future.

The simple answer if you really want to start living your life to its full potential in 2010 is 'Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life'.

Are You Incorporating Income And Opportunity Cost Into Your Financial Planning Strategies?

Are You Incorporating Income And Opportunity Cost Into Your Financial Planning Strategies?

It seems like there are an infinite number of financial possibilities for us to choose from, and with the Internet making information so readily available, they're all just a click away. This barrage of financial information from the Internet, TV, radio and news can be extremely overwhelming, even for the most financially savvy. How are you advised to know which financial strategy is best for you, your goals and your current circumstances?

Would not it be nice to have an easy-to-follow, straightforward strategy to use in understanding and evaluating this multitude of financial products and possibilities? Well, I have good news for you! There is! There is one financial strategy that reigns superior to all the others, one that allows you to address even the most pressing of financial concerns- Prosperity Economics.

To get started, ask yourself, "How will this affect my income?" Prosperity Economics already acknowledges that it's not all about your net worth. It is, however, fundamentally about your income. It may seem a little too simple or too good to be true to base all of your financial decisions on asking yourself how it will affect your income, but go ahead. Try it.

How will buying a new house affect your current income? Will your mortgage payments be more than what you're currently paying, negatively affecting your income? How will quitting your job to go back to school affect your income? Obviously, you will not have an income anymore, but having a higher education degree increases your future income potential. Is it worth it?

Show Me The Money

We are a nation built upon the dream of financial prosperity. Most of us go to school not to better educate ourselves, but to make more money. We try to climb the corporate ladder because we know that with that promotion comes more money. We're a country of people totally obsessed with money. We can not survive or thrive without money.

That being said, it's no surprise that valuing our income, and how our financial decisions are going to affect your income, are important aspects of financial planning.

Generating Income

If you think that by having a job you're doing all you can to generate income, you'd be wrong. It's obviously the easiest and most predominant method of generating income, but it's not the only method-nor even the best. After all, your income from working at a job is limited by the hours in the day. Every good financial plan includes the management of various assets, as opposed to just one, in order to generate income. You have to broaden the scope of your financial plans to include various methods of generating income, having money flowing through your assets, in order to have a successful financial strategy under your belt.

Evaluating Opportunity Cost

We are all aware of the basic principles of cost and benefit. We heard the term used countless times in our introductory economics courses in high school and college. The desirability of any decision, not just a financial decision, is a direct measure of the cost and benefit. Ok, so we get it, right? Wrong!

Many of us fail to realize the true cost of the financial decisions that we make on a day-to-day basis, whether in our businesses or our personal lives. To understand the true cost of a financial decision, we must properly evaluate the opportunity cost. Without an understanding of opportunity cost, it's nearly impossible to devise and execute a comprehensive financial strategy that meets all of your goals and expectations.

So what exactly is opportunity cost? To put it simply, it is the value that you would have received had not lost an asset. Take this example. Let's say you have $ 5000 and decide to invest it in mutual funds. If it does well, there will be taxes to pay from those gains. The taxes are a cost.

Let's say that the taxes amount to $ 500-you have to pay that from somewhere, and since the account caused the taxes, it's fair to calculate taking that $ 500 tax bill out of the account. But this also means that $ 500 is no longer there to continue to grow. Had it not been lost to taxes, it could easily have grown to $ 16,000 in 50 years. But you did not have it-so it did not. You lost $ 500 to taxes, and that caused you to lose $ 15,500 in opportunity costs. Recognizing this very real truth would allow you to consider these costs in light of alternate ways of handling your money with lower-or even zero zero-opportunity costs. This is the only truthful way to consider what an investment might really yield.

Why is opportunity cost so important? Well, simply put, it's a way of evaluating the attractiveness of various financial capabilities, assisting us in making decisions to create better financial strategies.

So now is a good time to ask yourself - Have you incorporated the "all about income" philosophy and calculation of opportunity cost into your financial planning strategies? Do so, and you increase your chances of a more prosperous monetary future. If not, seek out an experienced prosperity economics advisor to show you what changes are possible.

Copyright (c) 2011 Randy Whittle

Engage People On Social Media By Asking Questions

Engage People On Social Media By Asking Questions

As I've said repeatedly, "It's called social media for a reason." How do you gain traction with people on social media? Not by telling them things, but by asking them questions.

When you make a post, go ahead and finish it with an open-ended question, something like "What do you think about the topic? Post your thoughts below." BTW, and open-ended question is one that does not automatically elicit a short, one or two word answer like "Yes" or "No," "red" or "blue." It asks people to express their inner views on a subject, to answer expansively.

Of course, the other part of the social media equation is interacting on other people's posts. In order for you to be seen, you need to do more than write your own posts. Of course, other people are asking questions on their social media posts. Some of them are asking closed questions, to be sure. "Am I right - yes or no?" A few people will be asking open-ended questions. Either way, when you reply, your voice is added to the conversation. More importantly, your on-line name or handle is added to the stream of information flowing past the eyes of others.

If you look for advice on marketing, a metric crap-ton of people will shout a single-word piece of advice at you - "Content!" What they mean is that you should be creating unique information to put in front of others to grab their attention.

But here's a bit of content the so-called experts tend to overlook: asking your own questions on other people's social media posts.

Let's say, someone makes a post about carpet cleaning. Yes, I use that industry in a lot of examples. So let's say a person posts that you should steam clean your carpets at least every six months. Go ahead and ask your own question! Like with your own posts, open-ended is best. "In addition to the 6-month cleaners, should I also clean before a holiday gathering?" You could switch that to a closed-ended question: "Which is best, cleaning before or after a holiday gathering?"

If you can not think of a relevant question, it's okay to ask for examples and clarification. I can guarantee there are plenty of other folks out there who would like additional examples or a different explanation. "Is there a different schedule you'd recommend for a carpet in the reception area of ​​a business?" "Can you give an example of a hotel lobby carpet cleaning process?"

Asking relevant questions, ones that dig deer into the subject of the post, are often near as good as - and sometimes better than - the original informational posts, and will get your name out there as someone who knows what they're talking about.

What's Wrong With Network Marketing?

What's Wrong With Network Marketing?

When people and their enterprises are constantly focused on "what's wrong?" the creative energy required to sustain life and work is draining, and with it the Freedom, Growth and Joy all human beings aspire to experience and express through authentic living their lives and pursuing their dreams. We have created a "negative world" (and not just in network marketing). Wherever we turn and look today, we see examples of the dissatisfaction and deterioration of the quality of life and work.

In this negative world, The Second Law of Thermodynamics (the tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve towards a state of inert uniformity, ie; death) rules ... the Life Force (energy) of everything and everyone is running down, dissipating, diminishing. The Law of Attraction - Like Attracts Like - brings even more negativity ... more of what's wrong and what is not working. It is an endless down spiral ...

"What is wrong?" to "What's right?" From draining energy to building our individual and collective creative energies ...

Why ask "What's Right?"

In order to get a principle to work in the way we require it to, we must observe its action when it is working spontaneously in this particular direction. We must ask why it goes in the right direction as far as it does - and having taught us this then then be able to make it go further.

The law of flotation was not discovered by contemplating the sinking of things , but by contemplating the floating of things which floated naturally, and then intelligently asking why they did so.

The knowledge of a principle is to be gained by the study of its affirmative action: when we understand that, we are in a position to correct the negative conditions, which tend to prevent that action.
- Thomas Troward (1847-1916)

These "Five Right Questions" are about to learn were pioneered by the work of Kurt Wright and detailed in his landmark book Breaking The Rules Removing the Obstacles to Effortless High Performance . They represent nearly 30 years of on-the-field research in Corporate America into what human animals are like when they are at their creative, productive, fulfilled BEST. They are a power-tool we can all use to make the shift from negativity into positive creativity.

When understood, internalized and integrated into our daily conversations through practice and repetition ... these questions unite the vital partnership of our head-and-heart (the rational / analytical "conscious" mind and the intuition / imagination), resulting in a consistently increasing creative energy for accomplishment and the fulfillment of our on-going Life Purpose.

They will also result in the disappearance of the draining, repetitive negative symptoms of constantly focusing on "What's wrong with network marketing?" causing a reversal of fortunes you would not have believed possible before.

The Five Right Questions

1. What's right ...?

This question (formed by the mind) immediately focus on the positive and productive (away from the negative and deconstructive) ... engages the heart (intuition and imagination) and is energy-building (rather than draining) ....

2. What makes that right ...?

With this second question, we are discovering Values, what is really most important ... transmuting the "data" - the factual answer to the first question-- and evolving that by getting to the "essence", thereby turning facts into knowledge and wisdom. This is alchemy. This is the child's "Why is the sky blue?" question. This question strengthens and raises the vibration .... and we're ready to move on to the next question, which demands even greater creative energy to explore ...

3. What would be ideal ...?

Here, we begin to pursue the possibilities .... We have ventured into the domain of "What you do not know that you do not know ...." This is the Visionary question, engaging the Intuition and Imagination and moving Beyond the limits of the rational mind ... and it is directly linked to the power of the Pleasure and Passion of our Purpose ....

4. What's not yet quite right ....?

This question explores and articulates the exact size and shape of the hole (s) in the Vision that need to be filled to bring the picture (image: as in imagination) of what's possible into being ... what's required to complete our Ideal. Built on the growing energy of the first three questions, it transcends the mental-judging of "what's wrong?" and literally gives direction to Creation itself. Without this step, we almost always get square pegs for our round holes ....

5. What will it take ...?

The Question that leads you ... "What will it take to ______________ (filling in the blank with the Vision of the Ideal) for the highest good of myself and all concerned ...?" This is the Visionary's request for Inspired Action ....

"What wrong with network marketing?" is no longer the proper question to ask. Asking "What's right with network marketing?" will open up whole new vistas of creativity and positive results. Try it ... just as an experiment ... and notice what begins to happen for you.


I Appreciate You.

- John

How To Get Custom Mobile App Development

How To Get Custom Mobile App Development

Mobile platforms are becoming increasingly popular for all kinds of apps, which range from games to scheduling and keeping in touch with others more effectively. For this reason, and because it is also becoming highly lucrative, many companies are joining in the custom mobile app development revolution. If you are interested in creating your own programs, the tips in this article may be able to help.

There are many reasons to create programs for mobile phones. For example, you can customize your own phone and make it work the way that you want it to. Additionally, you can share your creations with the public for free or for a fee. This is a great way to make money if you have a really great idea.

In order to make your own programs, you have several options. If you have some programming knowledge and feel comfortable implementing your idea, you can do it yourself. You can also ask friends or hire a team to help you. Alternately, you can outsource the work and have a professional company do it for you.

When trying to make your own programs, you will need to download the necessary developer toolkits from the makers of the operating systems of the phones that you are interested in working with. Some companies provide these for free, while others will charge you for access.

Once you have downloaded the toolkits, you will need to learn how they work and how to properly code in that custom language. This may take some getting used to, but many companies do have support resources available, including user forums and user guides. You can also take a college class on the topic if you need more information.

If you are not a great programmer or if you are building something fairly complex, you might want to consider hiring a professional company to build the program for you. These companies will have large programming teams available to work on your projects, which will make the development process progress much more quickly than if you were to develop the program on your own.

When searching for a company to create your programs, there are several things that you will need to consider. For example, find out which operating systems that they develop for and how quickly their turnaround is. You should also find out what the communication process will be like during the process and how involved you will be through each step.

Try to choose a company that has a good record of creating programs for the platforms that you are interested in. Many companies will post their portfolios online and they can be easily accessed. Others may provide you with a portfolio and references once you have initiated the hiring process. Be sure to download and try some of their apps on your phone.

One of the great benefits of hiring a company for custom mobile app development is that they may be able to create the app for several operating systems, rather than just one. This is a great way to extend your market reach and find new customers.

Things to Consider When Hiring a Computer Consulting Company

Things to Consider When Hiring a Computer Consulting Company

Knowing what questions to ask when you're hiring a new computer consulting company can save you a lot of trouble in the long run. But knowing what too ask and what to look for can be difficult, especially when you're hiring the services of an independent contractor rather than an employee that you have on your payroll. The following tips, however, should help guide you in the process of finding a computer consultant that is skilled, experienced and can meet the needs of your specific business.

Full-time or Part-time Consultant? When hiring a computer consultant, consider whether your company is going to need a full time tech service or if it can manage with simply having a part-time consultant. If you have a small business, you might only need to hire an independent contractor or part-time consultant. If you have a larger business, however, it might be worth the money to hire the services of a full consulting company.

Who are the people who work for the consulting firm? When you're interviewing a consultant, ask if he's part of a larger firm. If he is, ask how many people work in his company. What are their jobs, backgrounds and specialties? Will they be involved in consulting your business? The more specifics you ask about the people who work at the consulting company, the better you'll be able to sniff out whether or not they are professionals who will provide you with the quality service you need.

What size is the consultant's typical client? A consultant company that works mostly with large business might have a lot of experience dealing with large computer networks and employees, but they're probably also used to their client's having fairly large budgets. If you're a small business, it might be better to look for a consulting firm that specializes in working with small businesses, as they'll know how to deal with your needs better.

Is the consulting company a hardware or software vendor as well? Some consulting firms also sell their own hardware and software products, or those of an affiliate company. In some cases, signing on with a certain consulting firms means only using their products. A good consulting firm, however, will allow you to use whichever hardware and software seller you want.

What kind of training does the consulting company provide? This is an important question to ask, because the more you depend on a consulting company, the more money that they'll be able to squeeze out of you. A good consulting company, however, will provide you with training so that you can be more self-sufficient and only call upon them when you really need it.

Next Generation Quad-Core Smartphones Compared

Next Generation Quad-Core Smartphones Compared

This year we have already seen a number of next generation smartphones from several different manufacturers, which share one particular feature in common, one that looks set to become increasingly common. This feature is the quad-core processor which provides new levels of smartphone performance which have previously not been seen before.

In this article I will look at the key features of some of these new super phones to see how they measure up against one another.


HTC's newest flagship smartphone is certainly the most advanced phone from the manufacturer to date. Along with its powerful 1.5GHz quad-core chip, it also has HTC's most advanced 8 megapixel camera thus far which comes with loads of innovative features in both still and video modes. The HTC Sense UI runs over the top of the newest version of Android (Ice Cream Sandwich), providing an intuitive and highly customisable interface. Despite there being no SD slot, this handset is particularly suited to music lovers with 32GB of on board storage and integrated Beats Audio, while the 7 inch IPS LCD2 screen displays content in high definition.

LG Optimus 4X HD

This was actually the first smartphone to boast a quad-core processor, and at 1.5GHz it is certainly capable of top performance. The LG Optimus 4X HD ticks all the boxes and offers several similar features to the HTC One X. An advanced LCD IPS-HD screen (also 4.7 inches) provides high definition display, and the Android ICS platform also offers plenty of customisable features and downloadable apps from Google Play. In order to store your files there is a lower level of storage at 16GB, although it does have a micro SD slot which can accommodate a memory card of up to 32 GB. A similar camera is also included, although it does lack a few of the features of the HTC handset.

Samsung Galaxy S3

The Samsung Galaxy S3 is the long awaited follow up device to the extremely popular Galaxy S2, and its popularity looks set to be matched with the new version. This is arguably the most advanced smartphone available, not just from Samsung, but on paper it also outdoes the competition in most areas. Along with an advanced 8 megapixel camera, 1.4 GHz quad-core processor and 4.8 inch HD S-AMOLED screen, there are many innovations not found on rival Android devices. The most notable is S-Voice. This is similar to the Siri feature on the Apple iPhone 4S, and allows users to carry out a variety of tasks simply by talking to the phone. Also, there are new wireless sharing methods included like S-Beam, while the upgraded TouchWiz UI and storage variants from 16BG to 64GB leave no doubts about this phone's credentials.

The HTC One X and the LG Optimus 4X are some of the best smartphones out there, with features matched by very few rivals, and both are great choices. However, it has to be said that if you want the most cutting edge smartphone available, the Samsung Galaxy S3 would be my top recommendation.