Tuesday, September 18, 2018

What's Wrong With Network Marketing?

What's Wrong With Network Marketing?

When people and their enterprises are constantly focused on "what's wrong?" the creative energy required to sustain life and work is draining, and with it the Freedom, Growth and Joy all human beings aspire to experience and express through authentic living their lives and pursuing their dreams. We have created a "negative world" (and not just in network marketing). Wherever we turn and look today, we see examples of the dissatisfaction and deterioration of the quality of life and work.

In this negative world, The Second Law of Thermodynamics (the tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve towards a state of inert uniformity, ie; death) rules ... the Life Force (energy) of everything and everyone is running down, dissipating, diminishing. The Law of Attraction - Like Attracts Like - brings even more negativity ... more of what's wrong and what is not working. It is an endless down spiral ...

"What is wrong?" to "What's right?" From draining energy to building our individual and collective creative energies ...

Why ask "What's Right?"

In order to get a principle to work in the way we require it to, we must observe its action when it is working spontaneously in this particular direction. We must ask why it goes in the right direction as far as it does - and having taught us this then then be able to make it go further.

The law of flotation was not discovered by contemplating the sinking of things , but by contemplating the floating of things which floated naturally, and then intelligently asking why they did so.

The knowledge of a principle is to be gained by the study of its affirmative action: when we understand that, we are in a position to correct the negative conditions, which tend to prevent that action.
- Thomas Troward (1847-1916)

These "Five Right Questions" are about to learn were pioneered by the work of Kurt Wright and detailed in his landmark book Breaking The Rules Removing the Obstacles to Effortless High Performance . They represent nearly 30 years of on-the-field research in Corporate America into what human animals are like when they are at their creative, productive, fulfilled BEST. They are a power-tool we can all use to make the shift from negativity into positive creativity.

When understood, internalized and integrated into our daily conversations through practice and repetition ... these questions unite the vital partnership of our head-and-heart (the rational / analytical "conscious" mind and the intuition / imagination), resulting in a consistently increasing creative energy for accomplishment and the fulfillment of our on-going Life Purpose.

They will also result in the disappearance of the draining, repetitive negative symptoms of constantly focusing on "What's wrong with network marketing?" causing a reversal of fortunes you would not have believed possible before.

The Five Right Questions

1. What's right ...?

This question (formed by the mind) immediately focus on the positive and productive (away from the negative and deconstructive) ... engages the heart (intuition and imagination) and is energy-building (rather than draining) ....

2. What makes that right ...?

With this second question, we are discovering Values, what is really most important ... transmuting the "data" - the factual answer to the first question-- and evolving that by getting to the "essence", thereby turning facts into knowledge and wisdom. This is alchemy. This is the child's "Why is the sky blue?" question. This question strengthens and raises the vibration .... and we're ready to move on to the next question, which demands even greater creative energy to explore ...

3. What would be ideal ...?

Here, we begin to pursue the possibilities .... We have ventured into the domain of "What you do not know that you do not know ...." This is the Visionary question, engaging the Intuition and Imagination and moving Beyond the limits of the rational mind ... and it is directly linked to the power of the Pleasure and Passion of our Purpose ....

4. What's not yet quite right ....?

This question explores and articulates the exact size and shape of the hole (s) in the Vision that need to be filled to bring the picture (image: as in imagination) of what's possible into being ... what's required to complete our Ideal. Built on the growing energy of the first three questions, it transcends the mental-judging of "what's wrong?" and literally gives direction to Creation itself. Without this step, we almost always get square pegs for our round holes ....

5. What will it take ...?

The Question that leads you ... "What will it take to ______________ (filling in the blank with the Vision of the Ideal) for the highest good of myself and all concerned ...?" This is the Visionary's request for Inspired Action ....

"What wrong with network marketing?" is no longer the proper question to ask. Asking "What's right with network marketing?" will open up whole new vistas of creativity and positive results. Try it ... just as an experiment ... and notice what begins to happen for you.


I Appreciate You.

- John