Monday, April 1, 2019

The Power of Ten

The Power of Ten

It makes me giggle to think about it - FOUR people on the Inner Compass team in just two months.

This is real proof of the Law of Attraction in action. I've wanted a team for a few years now, but balked at it out of ... well, FEAR, I guess! But all this work I've been doing on my vision, purpose, and cleaning up my beliefs and vibration is really paying off. The results are everywhere around me - my team, my sales, and my nearly booked-out workshop.

People, I am in the flow. I share this because I want you to know in your very toenails that this kind of magic is possible for YOU. Everything I share with you - in my programs, coaching, classes, articles and in this ezine is because I am learning and practicing it too. They say we must teach what we most need to learn, and I am pleased that what I am teaching is working - for me, for my clients, and for my readers.

Of course, this is all about mindset. This is where everything begins. The 'Power of Ten' is about increasing your threshold for what is possible for you.

The Power of Ten works like this: Ask yourself:

What if I got ten times the results I am currently getting? What if I earned ten times the amount of money I am earning? What if I got ten times the amount of clients? What if I spent ten times the amount I usually spend on clothes? What if I lose weight ten times faster? What if I got ten times stronger? What if I had ten times more holidays?

The feeling you're looking for folks is one of EXCITEMENT, a nervous anticipation that makes your eyes sparkle and your skin tingle.

If you do not have that feeling, what are you feeling? Do you ...

Worry that it would be too much work? Cringe at the thought that people might judge you? Think you do not deserve all those lovely clothes? Think you can not afford all that time off?

I hate to tell you this people, but this is EXACTLY why you are not moving forward. These kinds of thoughts are resistant thoughts. This is your subconscious self saying 'whoa - who are you to get above yourself?'

These thoughts slam the breaks on all manifestations and squash any desire like a bug under a mug.

This is limited thinking. And this is a limitless universe. When you have small thoughts, you are living in a small, small world, and you are not living out your potential as a limitless being in a limitless universe.

We're here for a short time in our current physical shape and our duty is to experience a cornucopia of wealth, joy, and abundance.

So start thinking about ten times bigger than you currently are.

Instead of allowing doubts to wriggle in, start by asking:

Would not it be nice if I created ten times the results I am currently achieving? Would not it be nice if I earned ten times the amount I am currently learning? Would not it be nice if I had ten times the amount of clients ...?

And so on.

Then you can ask,

How could I create ten times the results I am currently achieving? How could I earn ten times the amount I am learning? How could I attract ten times the amount of clients?

By asking 'would not it be nice if ...?' and then 'how could I ...?' you start to raise your awareness about what is possible, and sharpen your focus on the opportunities to manifest your desire.

This is how you think big. This is how you spark a desire for more.

And I do not want to hear any rubbish about 'more is selfish', or 'more is just being greedy' and so on. This is limited thinking. Remember - this is a limitless universe - you can be, do, or have anything your heart desires. And the desire never shows up in your heart unless there is the possibility for it to be fulfilled. Your work is to allow it to happen.

If you're stuck on the resistant thoughts, then you need to do some work on changing your beliefs. Hire a coach, hang out with people who are already achieving what you want, and bust those limiting beliefs. This is exactly why I wrote the Three Pillars of Personal Power> - to help people break free from the prison of thought and transform their lives.

It's working for me - it will work for you.