Monday, April 1, 2019

The Best Way to Reduce Mafia Wars Upkeep and Save More Money

The Best Way to Reduce Mafia Wars Upkeep and Save More Money

An important aspect of Mafia Wars is sometimes that it gets too realistic. The concept of upkeep for some weapons and cars is quite intriguing and may actually lead to a loss of money that you have incurred if you do not tread carefully. Here are some tips on how you can reduce Mafia Wars upkeep and then have a lot of money with you always.

Mafia Wars is quite brilliant in one way. Many people think that the concept of upkeep is quite unnecessary but sometimes, that is what makes the game so different from all other strategy-based games around the Internet world. Upkeep is the amount of money you are required to spend (on a daily basis) in order to maintain your weapons or equipments or cars.

For instance, if you have got a chain gun, you would find that some of your money goes out automatically. This is towards the upkeep of that chain gun. This happens again if you have something like the town car. Similarly, there are many items for which you would have to shell out in the name of upkeep.

Mafia Wars upkeep can become quite heavy on your "pocket" as you move up the levels. More inventory would mean more upkeep and this would really affect. The best way to reduce this is to analyze or let the "dry martini analyzer" analyze and know which items can be done with. If you sell-off certain items from your inventory, you could very well escape from the upkeep.

The analysis usually points to those items which are not necessary at the level you play or whose absence does not affect much in the game. Imagine having a lot of such items on your inventory! That is a pure waste!

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