Monday, April 1, 2019

"Rich People" - Here's How to Beat Them

"Rich People" - Here's How to Beat Them

I want to share some thoughts of wisdom with you. I have recently read the book, "Why We Want You To Be Rich" - Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki. They have this quote, "Everyone has money problems. If you want to" mastermind "with rich people, solve problems.

From that said, you are probably asking yourself this ...

- How the heck am I going to come up with a solution when my problem is so huge?
- How am I ever going to solve this?

Do you want to "mastermind" with [rich people]

Then listen up ...

The reason people fail at this all time is because they let their emotions overpower them and their creativity. In other words they are creating another problem, or adding on the existing one by feeding negative emotions into their minds. There is a way, it's not always easy. But this is what you need to do if you ever intend to rid yourself of problems and coming up with an actual solution. You have to calm your mind, and clear your thoughts. For only then will your creative mind emerge from its resting place or should I say from your suppressive emotional barricade. Your emotions can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Always respect your emotions! And keep them at bay.

If you ever want to be one of the rich people you have to learn to calm your mind and emotions, classical music helps stimulate those calming brain waves for clear and creative thought. Drink lots and lots of water, I'm talking minimum 2 liters a day, and only one cup of coffee if you can not help it. It's also very important to drink a glass of water as you get up in the morning to replenish your dehydrated body from a long night without any.

Water is our natural energy supply. And trust me, I have made the mistake of drinking 20 cups of coffee, no water only to find myself unfocused, over worried, stressed, head ace and guess what. I was not creative due to all those emotional strains. Water will change everything for you! Do it for 1 full week and you'll see a remarkable change!