Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Money is in Your List

The Money is in Your List

Back To Basics part 2

Most people involved in online marketing has heard this expression: The money is in your list. But not all really knows the meaning of it. But this is a foundation of online marketing so I thought I would give a short presentation of the subject.

But I have to take some steps back. What you are trying to get in your business is customers. Nothing strange with that. And before you have a customer you would like to have a bunch of prospects. People that has expressed an interest in your business or in you as marketer and sales person. In online marketing you are trying to get as many prospects as possible as it statically can be shown that a certain percentage of your prospects are likely to become customers. That means that with a huge list of prospects, the more customers will get you in the end.

So how do you find and collect your prospects in your online business? The most common way is to use different types of advertising where you finally invite a person to share his / her name and email address. This is a part of your prospect "database". There are several ways and strategies to do this, but that will be covered in coming "back to basics" articles. The important thing for now, is that you have started building your list of prospects also known as "leads" or "subscribers."

In order to keep your prospects and maintain their interest it is vital that you keep them updated with valuable information and updates. You will of course send your offers and ads in your attempts to convert your prospects into customers.

So back to the expression "The money is in you list" is based on that subscriber database that treated right will give you new customers and sales. Remember that a customer who is happy with you and your products are likely to buy from you again. Also keep in mind that your list can be something other than a list of names and email addresses. It can also be your list of Twitter followers or Facebook fans. If you try to visualize your list and the individuals behind it, you will soon realize that the more targeted your prospects are, much more likely they will end up as your customer. You have to keep that in mind from the moment you create your initial ads, all the way to the point where you maintain and communicate with your prospects. Imagine yourself trying to sell cat trips to a dog owner. Treat your prospects respectfully and friendly and you will do well.