Saturday, March 16, 2019

Tangible Symbols - Talismans for Affluence

Tangible Symbols - Talismans for Affluence

Amulets (or objects that protect a person from trouble) and talismans (objects intended to bring good luck or protection) have been around since the dawn of man. Seriously, the first man probably saw a shell or a rock, picked it up, and thought, 'Hey, this is a great rock (or shell). I'll bet it's a special rock (or shell) and will bring me good luck and protect me from evil. "

And by saying it, he imbued it with meaning. That rock (or shell) might not have been special to any other person in the world, but to him, it was full of power.

Why not? It's human nature to become attached to things, to carry that baby blanket, to wear a crucifix necklace, to believe that a ring symbolizes love and commitment. It's beautiful, really, when you think about it. Human beings have been giving inanimate objects significance and asking them to protect us, connect us, give us luck, find us love, draw wealth and repel evil.

Amulets or talismans can be anything-gems, coins, stones, shells, rings, symbols, statues and even drawings or words.

My intention here is to focus on affluence-your affluence. And my question is: what symbol do you have on your body right now that symbolizes your affluence and your future relationship with affluence? It could be a hundred dollar bill. It could be a charm-like an acorn ready to grow into a tree. It could be an expensive watch. Whatever resonates with you.

Why? Well, when you have a symbol or talisman or amulet or charm which symbols wealth, you're carrying the process of persuasion. The process of persuasion equates to, in your mind, some large capability of improving your life or of some big end goal.

My father used to carry cross pins and I wanted to grow up and have my own set of cross pins. And when I was around sixteen, my dad got me my own gold cross pins. I was ecstatic. I thought I had really made it in life at that point. I had made it. And I loved them. I carried them everywhere. I'll carry them in T-shirts. I loved my cross pins. My friends would say, 'What are you wearing those for?' I'd say, 'My dad keeps them to me and I like them.'

Today, I carry a one ounce coin of gold and a one ounce coin of silver. Beyond being religious in nature they also are a very tangible symbol of wealth. First of all, it's really worth a lot of money today. I like that. Everyday, I commune with the coins and express my gratitude at how, in our current economy, they're really increasing in value significantly.

I like that they are absolutely real. If I wanted to go and cash them in today, I could go right now and cash them in.

The other thing these symbols do is ground us and remind us. If, every time you stick your hand in your pocket you feel the gold coin or nugget, if every time you need to know what time it is you gaze on that Rolex, if every time you get dressed in the morning and put on that gold or platinum necklace, well, then you've been reminded. I am a money magnet. I attract affluence on every level. I am grateful for what I have and what will soon be mine.

That's awesome! A beautiful constant reminder to remain ever focused on your affluence.